And So...

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• One Month Later •

Natsu and Lucy were out a stroll in the middle of winter. Snow still hasn't fallen, but with the crisp cold air, it was bound to fall soon. Despite all this, the only thing Lucy wore was a knew length dress paired with a jean jacket and ankle boots. Even Natsu was dressed in casual wear with just a plain old t-shirt and some baggy pants; his ever present scarf wrapped around his neck.

Of course after the breaking of the curse, the two did end up as a couple. This set off a chain reaction where Gajeel and Levy finally admitted their feelings to one another, Gray gave his answer to Juvia, and even Erza had gotten in touch with Jellal. It seems like everyone needed a little push. And the curse did just that.

Throughout the course of the month of the two dating, nothing between has changed much as their relationship before. Natsu and Happy still constantly teased and broke into her apartment. The only difference was now they were more affectionate towards each other which always made the exceed snicker.

"Hey, aren't you cold?" asked Natsu concerned about his girlfriend.

"Eh. It's a bit chilly but nothing I can't handle." she winked. "Hey let's go to the park! I want to go see the Sakura tree."

"Are you sure? I think it's gonna snow today."

"Natsu, you've been saying that for the past week. Let's just go!"

"Fine." he sighed and grabbed a hold of her hand. Lucy walked happily by his side, admiring the winter scenery. She was actually hoping it would snow today.

"I don't know why you wanted to see the Sakura tree. All the leaves and flowers have fallen due to the winter." he states as they arrived. The park was empty; every sane person was inside to avoid the frigid weather.

Lucy tugged Natsu over to the tree, laughing at his pouty face.

"We are here because of this!" she pointed towards the area where their initials that she have carved into the tree lived.

"I almost forgot about that." Natsu said, slightly astonished.

"Rude. And to think I was the one with the curse." Lucy fake cried.

"Oh, shut up." he playfully rolled his eyes. "We've known each other for like almost ten years if you count the seven years we were on Tenrou Island, right?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess. Why?" Lucy scrunched her eyebrows together, looking back at her boyfriend.

"Can I just say that ten years with you hasn't been enough?"

"Are you alright, Natsu?"

"Shh, don't interrupt. Ten years with you isn't nearly enough when I want to spend the rest of my lift with you. We may have only been dating for a month and this may seemed rushed, but I know for a fact that I always want to be with you and only you." Lucy's eyes widened as Natsu slowly got down on one knee, pulling a small velvet box from his pocket.

"Lucy Heartfilia, will you do me the honors of marrying me?"

Lucy gasped, bringing her hands to her mouth as happy tears flowed down her face. She fiercely nodded her head, before jumping on her boyfriend in an embrace. "Of course I'll marry you, you idiot."

Natsu laughed and hugged her tightly back, kissing her firmly on her lips. A tiny snow flake landed on the tip of Lucy's nose, causing her to pull back. She smiled up at the sky.

"It's snowing."

"And you're going to get sick. Let's head to the guild." He offered, wrapping his scarf around her and sliding the engagement ring on her ring finger. She out stretched her hand, admiring the ring.

"Lucy Dragneel. Sounds like it fits." she mused.

"Of course it does." he kissed her nose before leading her in the direction of the guild. "Let's go."

The snow began to fall more around them. Despite her outfit, Lucy felt warm next to Natsu. She slipped her hand out of his and stepped ahead, twirling around in the snow. Her grin spread across her face as her a hands were raised to catch snowflakes. Natsu couldn't believe how lucky he was.

"Race to the guild?" he challenged.

"How about you give me a piggyback ride there?"

"Alright, hop on." She wrapped her legs around his waist where his hands supported under her thighs. Her arms were hugging him around his neck as her head rested on his shoulder.

They arrived at the lively guild where all their friends were chatting excitedly about the snow. Of course, Gray was strutting around in his underwear like it was no big deal.

"Have some decency!" scolded a white exceed as she shielded Wendy's eyes.

"Huh? Oh, heck." Gray grumbled. He went on a search for his pants as Natsu and Lucy went over to the table their friends were at.

"Isn't the snow just lovely?" began Erza.

"I was beginning to think it wasn't going to snow this year. It's nice that it did." added Levy.

"I say we have a snowball fight!" announced Natsu.

The girls just sweat dropped.

"Let's not and say we did."

"Snowball fights are manly!"

"Juvia does not wish to participate."

"It's warm in here."

"Wait, Lucy are you wearing Natsu's scarf?" asked Wendy.

"Yeah. It started snowing on the way here so he let me borrow it."

"You guys are just the cutest!" gushed Levy.

At that moment, Mira was coming over with a tray of hot chocolate. She sent it down on the table, humming as she distributed one to each person at the table. When Lucy went to to grab hers from Mira using her left hand, Mira screamed.

"Lucy! Is that ring what I think it is?!" she asked in a shout. The whole guild turned their attention to Lucy who was trying to hide behind Natsu.

"Uh, yeah." she answered.

"Let's start planning! I'm so excited! I can practically hear the wedding bells!"

"Isn't it to early?"

"It is never to early to plan ahead." Erza chuckled.

"Let's party to celebrate!" hiccuped the Master from tha bar.

And so, the guild partied to congradulate the newly engaged couple. They were happy, and excited knowing they had the whole guild supporting them. That's what Fairy Tail is for.



ok so it's completely the end. i still got an epilogue or two to write.

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