Day 16

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Natsu walked into the guild around noon the next day. After taking a short nap with Lucy in the pool area, the two decided to get a small snack and then part ways, promising to meet one another at the guild the following day. Natsu's rested his chin on his folded arms as he sat on a stool at the bar.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He questioned Mira, who was smirking at him.

"Oh, Natsu. What ever do you mean?"

"Stop that. It's creeping me out." He said, cowering away from her creepy glare.

"Care to explain this?" she tells him, slapping a photo down on the counter. He picked up and his eyes widden immediately, along with a blush.

"How did you get this?" he questioned, referring to the photo of him and Lucy cuddling on the pool lounge chair.

"I have my ways, Dragneel. That one's for you."

"You mean there's more?!"

"Yup! Almost everyone in the guild has one." Mirajane shares with a proud smile. Natsu just pales and looks as if he's seen a ghost.

He was in so much shock and embarrassment, the poor boy didn't even notice Lucy walk in and pick out a job.

"Mira! I'm taking this one." she says as she approaches the bar.

"Hello Lucy! Sounds good. Why don't you take Natsu here with you? He needs a distraction."

Lucy looks over to Natsu who is still in a frozen like state. She snapped her fingers in front of his face making him look up at her.

"You're Natsu, right?" she asked to which he nodded. "I'm Lucy and I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me on this job."

She handed him the job request and he eagerly nodded after scanning it over. "Happy! We got work to do!"

"Aye sir! Later Carla!" Happy cheered as he flew towards the duo. Mira waved them as they left.

A few hours passed by in the noisy guild. Mirajane was humming to herself as she was wiping off the counter. Erza, along with Gray in tow, approached the relaxed barmaid.

"Mira, have you seen Natsu or Lucy?" Erza asked.

"They left a few hours ago on a job."

"What job was it?"

"They have to hike up a mountain to retrieve a certain herb for the town's old herbalist. It's in a town almost 4 hours away by train, so I'm sure they have just barely arrived." She tells them with a small smile.

Erza and Gray exchange a look before looking back at Mirajane.

"Mira do you realize that if they finish the job late they will stay over night in the town?" says Gray.

"Like they haven't down that before."

"Lucy will wake up in a room with Natsu not knowing who he is." Erza clarifies. Mira looks up at them, blinks once and then has a horrified expression on her.

"What have I done?!"

"Don't worry. We'll go find them." Erza pats her on her back with a sigh. "Gray, go get Wendy."

Gray nods and heads off to find the young dragon slayer and her exceed. Both hoping to find the team of three before morning.


"I hate hiking." Lucy pants as they walk uphill. After meeting with the requestor, the set off immediately to the steep mountain to retrieve the herb. They have only just started their journey and were growing more and more fatigue with each step.

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