Day 4

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Lucy awoke the next morning feeling refreshed after an odd dream. She dreamt of a time where her, Erza, Happy, Gray, Loke and another fellow all swapped bodies. It was a crazy experience, but she could not remember who the other person was for the life of her.

She streched her limbs while a small yawn escaped her lips. Throwing her legs over the edge so that her feet touched the ground, she was about make her way the kitchen but paused. She didn't realize it before, but now she stood in the middle of her room, astonished. Flower petals were scattered on the floor, a bouquet of balloons rested near her desk, and sitting on the desk itself was a small bear with a small note.

Knowing it wasn't her birthday or any other holiday, she wandered towards the bear curiously. She plopped herself down on the desk chair and reached for the note, her hands grazing over the soft stuffed bear. She unfolded the note and was surprised by the contents.

good morning, i bet you're looking as lovely as ever. i hope you enjoyed the small gifts and decorations left in your room. it was hard to stay quiet while you were sleeping, but you still looked so peaceful. anyways, meet me where the river meets the forest tonight after sunset. i'll be waiting.
                    ~ your secret admirer.

Lucy couldn't help but blush at the words she just read. She had a secret admirer? Was it someone from the guild? Someone from a recent job she went on? Someone from town? She had no clue, and she couldn't wait to find out. Smiling down at the note, she got up and decided to get ready to head to the guild.

After her bath and dressing in her usual attire, she sent off, but not after placing the note in her pocket and hitching her whip and keys to her belt. She smiled as she walked and waved at the guys in the boats. She felt strangely happy today. Once reaching the guild hall, she could hear the shouting and loud noises coming from inside. It was a classic Fairy Tail fight happening. She slowly opened the door and peaked inside, ducking quickly out of the way as a mug came flying in her direction.

Lucy blinked as she looked back inside to see everyone froze in place.

"Natsu! I told you to be more careful!" Erza shouted at the pink headed mage.

"It was all Gray's fault!" he shouted back, pointing at the ice mage. "You okay, Luce?"

Lucy blinked once again, but this time in surprise at the stranger knowing her name and even giving her a nickname. She shook her head to throw the thoughts away, knowing that maybe Levy or Erza told him about her.

"Uh, I'm okay." she smiled, finally coming out of hiding behind the door and walking inside.

"Lucy, are you up for a job tomorrow? I would really enjoy it if you'd help me out with it." the small sky dragon slayer asked the blonde as she approached her. Carla was being held in her arms, smiling a little at Lucy.

"Of course, Wendy! I'd love to."

"Hey Wendy! I wanna go too!" Natsu shouted across the guild.

"Is that okay?" Wendy asked Lucy. Lucy nodded. If Wendy was comfortable with Natsu then so was Lucy.

"Alright Natsu! You can come too."

"Sweet." he smiled and went back to fighting with Gray.

"I'll go look at the job request board."

"I'll be chatting with Mira, so come find me when you need me." she gave her a pat on the head and dodged multiple flying objects before making it to the bar.

"Hello Mirajane and Levy." she greeted, seeing that Levy had come to sit with her as well.

"Hey Lucy. How'd you sleep?" Mira asked her, wiping down the counter.

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