Day 40

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Lucy walked down the street with Erza and Wendy, who had Carla craddled in her arms, towards the home of the requester. She hummed to herself while looking up the light blue sky scattered with the white puffy clouds. After a few days of being sick and hanging out with Natsu, she decided it was time to go on a job and make some money for herself.

"I can't believe this job wasn't taken yet! Who would pass up a job where all you had to do was be a cake taster?" Erza said with stars in her eyes.

"Probably because they know how you are about cake." Carla mumbled, leaning her chin on Wendy's forearm.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing!"

"Thanks for inviting me to come on the job with you guys! That Natsu guy wouldn't let me go on one by myself." Lucy pouted.

"Of course, Lucy! Natsu is just worried about you is all." Erza replied.

"Yeah! He'd rather you go with him or someone close to you. Even if it's a simple job such as this one." agreed Wendy.

"It could also deal with the fact that he says he loves me and always wants me to be safe." pondered the blonde. The other three exchanged glances before looking at Lucy with smirks on their faces.

"He loves you, huh?" began Erza.

Lucy looks at her and blinks innocently. "Yeah. That's what he told me after explaining this strange curse I have on me." she stopped to let out a chuckle, "Imagine that. Waking up and meeting a strange boy with pink hair telling you all this information and claiming to love you. It's quite strange."

"Sounds sweet, when you think about it. I mean he's been going through all this for almost two months just to get you to love him back, even though you won't remember it the next day." Wendy sighed.

"That's true. Lucy, you have no idea how much effort and patience he's had throughout this all."

Lucy stopped walking. The other stopped a little ways ahead, turning to look back at her. "What if... what if I'm not able to fall in love before the time is up? What will he do then?" She gazed up at the sky, but now with tears falling freely from her eyes.

Erza began to walk towards her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I believe in you, Lucy. And in Natsu. You guys are an unstoppable pair and will do anything for one another. You will break this curse."

Wendy ran over and tackled Lucy in a hug leaving Carla to hover above the three of them. "Natsu loves you, Lucy, so even if you don't break the curse he will never give up on you."

Lucy hugged Wendy back, using one hand to wipe her tears away in the process. "Thanks you guys." she whispered.

Erza joined in the small group hug, before pulling away and suggesting they continue on their walk to their job. The girls nodded and followed the scarlet haired woman.


The girls returned from their job later that evening. Their stomach's were filled to the brim with delicious sweets and the job requester gave them each plenty of extra cakes to take home with them. Wendy and Lucy both tried to decline his kind offer but after a deadly glare from Erza, they both accepted.

Opening the guild doors, Lucy was immediately tackled to the ground.

"Lucyyyyy! You're back!" slurred an overjoyful Natsu. Lucy sat up, causing him to practically sit in her lap, arms wrapped around her neck as he nuzzled his face in her neck. She flushed, looking up at the Erza and Wendy who were laughing. Even Carla had an amused look on her face.

Mira came walking over, a smirk on her face. "Oh dear. We didn't expect him to drink that much."

"What happened?" Lucy asked. Natsu was still nuzzling her, but now he was playing with her hair.

"Gray, Gajeel, Elfman, and Natsu all challenged each other to see who could drink the most. Gray is passed out at the bar, Elfman is crying about puppies, Gajeel is singing to Levy, and well Natsu is cuddling you." Mira chuckled.

"Those idiots." Erza tsked.

"Of course, none of them could beat me!" Cana sang as she stumbled over. She chugged the rest of her mugs contents once she arrived. "Mira! I'm all out!"

"Alright, Cana. Let's go get you some more." Mira sighed.

"Woo! Love you, Mira!"

"Lucy, I'll send Happy over, so he can escort you to take Natsu home."

Lucy nodded as the barmaid sauntered off with a drunk Cana in tow.

"At least now I won't share my cake." Said Erza. She chuckled to herself, "I'll be off now. See you both tomorrow."

"Wait, Erza! I'll walk with you." called Wendy. "Goodnight, Lucy! Good luck!"

The three left, leaving Lucy still on the ground with a cuddly and drunk Natsu. Happy flew over, laughing at the drunkard on her lap.

"I told him not to over do it." he told her.

"Natsu, you gotta get off me so we can go home."

"But I'm comfy." he whined, nuzzling deeper in her neck. "You smell good."

"U-Uh thanks." she stuttered. "But you gotta get up. It's cold and getting late."

He pulled back a little, looking at her in the eye. After letting out a hiccup he said, "Only if you cuddle me when we get home."

Happy laughed more and Lucy looked shocked. After thinking it through and knowing if she fell asleep, she'd wake up to a stranger again, she agreed.

So now, the trio were slowly walking to his house in silence. It took a little while longer due to the fact that Natsu couldn't really walk on his own, but Lucy was relieved when they finally made it. Happy flew straight to his little bed, already falling asleep. Lucy set Natsu down on his couch while she went to put the cakes in the fridge.

She also poured him a glass of water, handing it to him as she sat beside him. He gratefully took it and chugged it all down.

"Lucy, I'm sleepy." he whined.

"You're so whiney. Just go to sleep." she sighed, getting off the couch so he could lay down.

He got up as well, tugging at her wrist. "But you promised."

"But, Natsu..."

"You never break your promises." he pouted like a child, making him look so innocent and cute.

"Fine." she sighed. He grinned, picking her up and laying her on the couch.

"Hey!" she shouted in surprise. He laid his head on her stomach, arms wrapped around her waist. A smile was evident on his.

Lucy just sighed once more, running her fingers through his hair. They both began to relax and find themselves falling asleep.

"Lucy?" he spoke up, stifling a yawn.

"Yes, Natsu?" her tone of voice was annoyed, seeing as she was about to drift off when he spoke. Her fingers were still running through his hair, calming the both of them.

"I love you. I really do." he said. It fell silent again, only to be followed by snores from the pinkette himself.

Lucy smiled, eyes still closed, and fingers in his hair. "I know, Natsu. I know."

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