Bonus Chapter!!

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"Mira, I can't believed you're having your third child soon!" gushed Lucy as she craddled her six month old son in her arms.

Mira smiled as she patted her baby bump. "I agree. Yuri and Ayumi are so grown up now, but they're excited for their new sibling. What about Nashi? How's she been dealing with the arrival of Iri?"

"Nashi's been great. She's only six but she loves to look after Iri." Lucy smiled.

"Where is she right now?"

"Natsu and Happy took her on a small job in the next town over. Don't give me that look! I read over the flyer countless times to make sure it was safe and simple enough for her to do."

"Alright, you just never know with Natsu." laughed Mirajane before waddling over to serve Macao and Wakaba. Lucy hummed while rocking Iri, who was sleeping, back and forth in her arms.

He was born with the same salmon colored locks as his father, but eyes like his mother. Nashi, on the other hand, had long golden locks just like Lucy but eyes like Natsu. In fact, a lot of the kids of Fairy Tail held a big resemblence to their parents.

"We're back!" cheered a small voice from the guild's entrance. Lucy looked back to see her small daughter running over to her.

"Hey, how was the job?" Lucy asked, stroking the top of her head.

"It was fun! Happy and I raced all the way home!"

"Poor little guy is drained." chuckled Natsu who had the passed out exceed in his arms. He place a light kiss on Lucy's cheek and gently ruffled his son's hair.

"Seems to be getting late. I'm as tired as Happy is." Lucy yawned.

"Mama, can we go home please?"

"Yes, let's go. See you, Mira! Call us if the little one decides to arrive tonight!"

"Will do, Lucy!" Mira waved them off as the family walked out.

"I guess Happy can stay with us tonight since Carla is out on a job with Wendy." Lucy mused. The night was a bit chilly, so she held Iri close, making sure he was securely bundled up in his blanket. Nashi skipped next to her father, humming a tune to herself.

Once they arrived home, they ate a small meal and began to ready themselves for bed. Lucy helped her daughter shower and braided her hair before sending her off to Natsu to get her into bed.

"Well don't you smell nicer after sweaty all day for the job." he chuckled as he hoisted her up into bed.

"Hey! That's mean!" she pouted.

He simply laughed and laid her back down, tucking the covers into her sides. "Goodnight." he bid, kissing the top of her forehead.

"Wait!" She grabbed his hand with her smaller ones to prevent him from leaving.

"Yes?" he asked.

"I want to hear the story."

"The story?"

"You know! The one about that weird curse that was put on the princess by an evil man!"

"She wants to hear the fifty day story, again?" asked Lucy as she came in with damp hair and Iri, who had fallen asleep once more after dinner.

"Yeah! That one!"

Natsu sighed, but smiled as he rested on the edge of her bed. "Fine, but after this, you have to fall asleep."

She nodded, laying back down on her pillow where Happy aslo rested. He began to tell the story she so desperately wanted to hear. Lucy smiled as she listened in as well, setting Iri down in his crib and making sure he was warm.

She then leaned against the doorway of the room, arms crossed over her chest as she continued listening. A small smile rested on her lips.

"I still can't believe it took her the whole fifty days to fall in love!" Nashi complained.

"She was just playing hard to get." Natsu said. Lucy scoffed at this as she came over.

"Well, it's kind of a hard thing to do considering she couldn't remember a detail about him for those days."

"You guys, it's just a story." Nashi sweatdropped.

Natsu and Lucy looked at her. If only she knew.

"Alright, time for you fall asleep. We had a deal."

"Aye, aye." the girl grumbled, snuggling into the comfort of her bed. Natsu placed a kiss on her forehead as did Lucy.

"Goodnight!" the whispered to the already sleeping girl.

Natsu took a hold of Lucy's hand and led out of the room. She tried to walk away but he held her back, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"What's wrong?" he asked, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.

"Oh, you know, playing hard to get."

"Lucy, I was just teasing."

"I know, but..."

"Lucy." he said in a stern voice making her shut up. He pulled back to look her in the eyes, arms still encircled around her.


"You know, those fifty days were some of the best days of my life, and I'd do it all again just for you." he then paused. "Although, I would rather not because it was kind of a pain in the ass."

Lucy lightly smacked his shoulder with a pout on her lips. "You were being sweet and cute, then you had to go and say and that."

"I love you."

"I love you, too." she smiled, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck to bring his face down to hers and placing her lips on his.

Natsu smiled into the kiss. No matter how much of a pain in the ass that curse was, he was sure glad it happened.

The end.

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