Day 28

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Natsu and Erza had just returned from their job. Once arriving at the guild, Natsu instantly began looking for the familiar blonde that he had been waiting to see. Instead, he was greeted with a serious and glum looking Gray coming his way.

"Natsu, Lucy's in the infirmary." he stated bluntly.

"What the hell did you do, Ice Prick?" Natsu shouted in anger.

"I didn't do anything! She suddenly started crying out in agony on the train while grasping her head before passing out. She's been asleep since yesterday."

Natsu rushed to the infirmary once Gray was done explaining. He slammed open the door to see Lucy awake and giggling at something Wendy had told her.

The two girls stopped their laughter and looked over at the pinkette. Lucy's eyes widden and she stumbled off the bed as he began approaching her.

"You! Who are you?" she whispered.

"I'll let you two talk." Wendy said awkwardly before taking her leave.

"You okay? You just fell off the bed."

"I'm fine. Now, who are you?" Lucy got up from the floor and sat back down on the bed. Natsu carefully sat at the edge of the bed, not wanting to startle her anymore.

"I'm Natsu Dragneel."

"How do I know you, Natsu?"

Natsu gave a shocked and confused look. Was she starting to remember? Where the old memories resurfacing? "What do you mean?"

"While I was out, I saw nothing but you. Clear memories with you and Happy, but I don't know you nor your name. Where are these coming from? I've only just met you. Or have I?"

It fell quiet between the two. Natsu didn't know exactly what to say, but the sound of sniffling caught his attention. He looked over at Lucy and saw her frantically wiping away her tears as more spilled out.

"I don't know who you are, yet deep down I feel like I do. Did I lose my memory or something because these memories are so vivid and real. I want to remember!" she cried.

"Do you really want to know what happened?" Natsu whispered. Lucy looked up, eyes still shining from the tears. She gave a small nod.

"It happened almost a month ago. We were battling against a fairly powerful mage by the name of Bankotsu who was trying to over rule the town. I was fighting him, and was pinned to a boulder with his magic. Then you came along and insisted on helping me. He got ahold of you and did some weird chant that sent you unconscious before tossing you off the mounatin side. Luckily, Happy was there to catch you and take you to a safe place. I was able to defeat him and when I did, he told me that he cursed you." Natsu let out a breath while pausing.

"What was the curse?"

"He erased me from your memory. I have fifty days to break this curse, so you can remember all the good times we shared and these last few days as well."

"Wait," Lucy stuck out a hand to stop him, "I just met you today. What do you mean these last few days?"

"Each day, you wake up and forget about me. You remember everyone else, everything that you did, except me."

He stopped for a minute to allow Lucy to take in all this information. Tears silently fell from her eyes and slid down her porcelain cheeks. She didn't want to believe it, but she knew it was true. No wonder it felt like her days were empty. She was missing information from the day before, and now she realized that what she was missing this whole time was Natsu.

"How do you break the curse and how can I help?" She asked with determination in her voice.

"Promise you won't get weirded out?"

"Of course not! I want to break this thing and remember you already!"

Natsu chuckled, "Fine. You have to say 'I love you', but-"

"I love you." she interrupted. They both stopped and stared at each other. Natsu blinked and Lucy flushed.

"It didn't work!" she whined.

"You didn't let me finish explaining, dummy." he sighed.


"You have to say it and mean it. Basically, you have to be in love with me. Which is quite hard when you lose your memory of me each day."

"Have you been doing anything to make me fall in love with you? Have you even been trying? Do you even want me to remember you?!" she cried out. Lucy felt hurt. She felt as if he had given up on her.

Lucy was emotional and frustrated, so she crawled over to him and started to pound her small fists on his chest. This lasted all of three punches before Natsu grabbed hold of her wrists, leaving her to lean her forehead on his shoulder and cry. He intertwined his fingers with hers.

"Luce, of course I've been trying. Really hard actually. But, it's not just me, ya know. This is all up to you and how you feel about me. I've already fallen in love with you. I'm just waiting for you to fall too, so we can catch and support each other." he admitted in a soft voice.

Lucy looked up at him with wide eyes. He leaned his forehead against hers, closing his eyes.

"I'm trying my hardest. I swear I'll get you your memories back. So from now on, let's try together. Deal?"

"How can this work if I'm going to forget it by tomorrow?" Lucy questioned while her voice cracked.

Natsu opened his eyes and looked straight into hers. "I'll just have to remind you everyday that I love you and that I'm waiting for you."

Lucy looked into his eyes for any glint of teasing. When she found nothing, she began to cry silently again.

"I want to fall in love with you." she admitted to not only him, but to herself.

Natsu smiled. Right now, he felt on top of the world.



"Would it be okay to kiss you right now?" he asked in a whisper.

Lucy answered by leaning up a bit and pressing her lips to his. His eyes widened before closing as he relaxed into the kiss. Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck before breaking apart.

"I believe we can break this curse." she said, confidently.

"Of course we can! You wanna know why?"

Lucy tilted her head to the side a bit, "Why?"

"Because you and I are a team. A great one at that!" he grinned at her and she smiled back before leaning forward and planting another kiss on his lips.


everytime i update, it's like two in the morning for me lol but hope you enjoy this chapter!!

thanks for reading ❤️

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