Day 6

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Natsu sauntered into the guild after leaving one of his 'secret admirer' notes on Lucy's pillow, so she could see it right when she wakes up. Happy walked next to him, discussing something involving Carla and Wendy. Natsu wasn't paying much attention as he walked over to the bar.

"Hello Natsu." Mira greeted.

"Hey Mira! Were you able to put a basket together?"

"Of course! Don't worry."

"Thanks, I owe you one." He grinned.

She gave a nod and headed over to Macao and Wakaba, who were asking for refills.

"Hey Natsu!" Levy called from the table she was sitting at with Gajeel, Lily, Carla and Wendy.

Natsu got up and walked towards them. Happy alreadt flew over to Carla and began to strike up a conversation.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Lily and I found out something about the curse. Apparently, once it's broken Lucy will get all memories with you back; this you already know. But! She will also remember the the days where she had forgotten about you."

"This means?"

"Idiot. This means she'll remember all this lovey dovey crap you're doing to make her fall for you." Gajeel tsked.

Natsu fell silent for a minute as thing clicked in his brain.

"Ah! No way!" He screamed.

"What?" they all asked in confusion.

"Lucy will never let me love this down if she remembers! She'll tease me for the rest of my life!"

"And you think we won't?" Gajeel muttered with a smirk.

"Crap! I didn't think aboht that either." he whined. "Wait! I'll ask Doranbolt to erase your memories!"

Natsu grinned proudly as something clicked in Wendy's head.

"Why didn't we ever try asking Doranbolt to see if he could do something about Lucy's memories?" she mused.

"Sorry, Wendy. But Doranbolt only uses teleportation magic and he can erase or alter memories but not bring them back." Master said from the bartop where he was sitting.

Wendy pouted as she sat back. Natsu gave her a pat on the head to reassure her that it was okay. She smiled up at him before he retreated and headed back to the bar where Erza and Gray were speaking to the Master.

"Glad you could join us, Natsu." Erza greeted.

"Master here has a certain job for the three of us to do. It'll take about a week." Gray told him. Natsu turned to Makarov, a questioning look in his eyes.

Makarov just nodded, taking a swing from his mug, "You'll leave tomorrow. Don't cause too much damage Natsu."

"What about Lucy? Will she be okah here by herself?"

"Natsu, she remembers everyone but you. She'll be fine." Erza tried to reassure him.

"We'll go on small jobs to make sure she has money and stuff. Don't worry Natsu!" Wendy told him as she walked up to the group.

"You went away from her for a year; I'm sure one week won't kill you." Gray rolled his eyes.

Natsu's jaw clenched, but he nodded and agreed to doing the job.

"Fine, but Wendy you better take good care of her!"

"Aye!" the girl smiled and ran off to where she had come from.

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