Epilogue ; The Wedding.

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• One year later •
Lucy stared at her reflection in the mirror, twirling slightly to admire how lovely the wedding dress had suit her. She sighed, happily. She couldn't believe she was marrying the love of her life today.

"Oh, Lucy! You look beautiful." Erza gushed as she walked in wearing her Maid of Honor gown. As discussed before, Erza was Maid of Honor, Gray was Best Man, Happy was ring bearer, but Wendy decided to give the title of Flower Girl to Asuka. She settled on being one of Lucy's Bridesmaids along with Mira, Levy, Juvia, and even Cana.

The other best men along with Gray were Romeo, Jellal, Laxus, Gajeel, Elfman, and Freed, oddly enough. It took a lot of planning and practice and today was finally the day.

"Thanks, Erza." Lucy smiled softly at her friend.

"What? Do I not look good as well?"

"Of course you do!" The two girls laughed as Levy came rushing in.

"It's almost time! Loke is walking with you right?"

"Oh, yeah! Where'd he go?" Lucy mumered. She remembered seeing the Lion spirit earlier in the day before kicking him out, so she could get ready.

"I am right here, my princess." he announced while appearing out of nowhere. He bowed in front of Lucy and took hold of her right hand to place a gentle kiss on her knuckles.

"Loke, you do realize she's getting married. You have to stop with these endearments." sighed Erza.

"It's never too late for her to back out."

And now, that was Lucy's turn to smack the flirty spirit in the back of the head. He whined in pain and let a pout rest on his lips.

"It's time!" Mira announced with a wide grin. "Places everyone!"

Erza handed Lucy the bouquet of flowers she was to hold.

"Ouch! Whose bright idea was it to have roses in the bouquet?" screeched Lucy. She had just pricked her finger on one of the thorns that had not been cut off.

"Um, that would be you, Lucy."

"Oh. Right."

"She's probably just nervous." Erza chuckled. And then, that's when the music started. The groomsmen and bridesmaids walked out first in pairs. The stood in their designated spots. Natsu stood anxiously waiting in the center.

Little Asuka strolled down the aisle with a bright grin, tossing the flower petals here and there. Soon enough, Lucy and Loke walked down the aisle. Natsu's breath caught in his throat. He couldn't believe how beautiful Lucy looked. Sure, she looked good everyday to him, but knowing she did all this just to say the simple 'I do' to him made butterflies errupt in his stomach.

He had never felt so lucky. Loke handed Lucy over to him, but not before whispering, "Take care of her, Dragneel."

Then the service began. They decided to keep it short since Fairy Tail was known for being more rambunctious than anything else. Both Natsu and Lucy knew that they wouldn't be able to sit still listening to boring vows and words being shared for too long.

After the exchanging of rings that were happily provided by Carla and Happy, it was time for the 'I do's'.

"Do you, Natsu Dragneel, take Lucy Heartfilia to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" spoke the old priest.

"I do." Natsu said with a smile while looking into Lucy's eyes.

"And do you, Lucy Heartfilia, take Natsu Dragneel to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

At first all Lucy could do was nod before she realized this was the real thing and not a rehearsal. "I mean, I do!"

The crowd chuckled while she flushed. "Then I now pronounce husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride!"

The now married couple leaned towards one another, and their guild mates let out a series of whoops and hollers. After their short kiss, the priest said, "May I introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Dragneel! It is time to party!"

More cheers errupted as they moved into the ballroom of the Heartfilia Mansion where the reception party was being held. During all the wedding planning, money was saved here and there and Lucy somehow managed to buy back her familiy home. It was quite a fortunate and convient thing since this was where they wanted to hold the wedding.

"Any regrets, Mrs. Dragneel?" Natsu asked as they sat at a table waiting for one of the many waiters hired for the night to bring their dinner.

"Just one." she admitted.


"Yup, not telling you how I felt about you sooner."

"Ah, me too." he drooled when his plate was placed in front of him.

Lucy sighed and let a small smile form on her lips. "Even on our wedding day, you still manage to amaze me with your childish aspects."

"But you love it." he managed to say around a mouth full of food.

"Eh, I guess." she laughed. The two ate their dinner along with their guest, that not only consisted of their guild but friends from others as well.

From time to time, people would come up and wish them luck in their marriage and congradulate them. Soon enough, the floor was filled with dancing bodies.

"I think it's time for the groom and bride to have their first dance." winked Mira. People cheered and awe'd as Natsu led Lucy to the dancefloor.

"Please don't step on my feet." Lucy pleaded in a whisper.

"Well, I did learn from the best." he winked. She smile at the memory as he began to twitl her. The rest of the night continued with dancing, drinking, the cutting of the cake, and everything in between.

It wasn't a fairy tale wedding, but it sure was one for the books. As the guest began to leave around midnight, Lucy throw off her heels and sank in a leather recliner.

"I'm exhausted." she groaned. "Hey!"

Natsu had scooped her up in his arms in the traditional bridal style way. "Since we're spending the night here, I can't walk you through a threshold like this unless it's to the bedroom."

He winked at her. Natsu began to walk with her up the stairs to one of the many bedrooms. He gently set her down on the bed before hovering above her.

"You looked beautiful today." he murmured as the moonlight shone through the window and illuminated against her already pale skin.

"You didn't look so bad yourself, Dragneel."

"Thank's Mrs. Dragneel." he smirked before leaning down and placing his lips on hers. He pulled back after a minute, "Now, time to take this dress off."


again, thank you for taking the time to read, comment, and vote on this story. i am so thankful for each and every one of those.

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