Day 31

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Loud snoring coming from the crook of her neck,A small paw kicking her cheek, and a heavy arm resting over her head is how Lucy awoke the next morning.

"This is so uncomfortable." She grumbled. Then she realized. Who the hell was snoring next to her? Opening her eyes, she looked to see nothing but pink and blue. She screamed and scrambled off the bed, falling right on her butt.

"Ouch." she groaned as she saw the body stir on her bed. Lucy began to back away as the body of a boy sat up, yawning while stretching his arms over his head. The blue exceed next to him copying his actions.

"Morning Lushee!" Happy cheered.

"Who are you?! And what are you doing in my bed?" She interrogated the pinkette. He flinched at her screeching.

"Stop yelling. I just woke up." He spoke through another yawn.

"There is a stranger in my bed and you expect me to not freak out?!"

"Well I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you insisting I stay last night." Natsu said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"It's true, Lucy!" added Happy. Then the exceeds eyes widened and he started to frantically flail his arms. "Oh no, Natsu! We totally forgot about the curse!"

Natsu looked at Happy before jumping up and copy his actions. "How could I have forgotten?!"

Lucy narrowed her eyes at the two idiots. "Curse? What Curse?"

They stopped and looked at her. Natsu then sat at the edge of the bed, patting the spot next to him. Both him and Happy explained everything, leading up to yesterday's events.

"And so, after our visit to Bankotsu, you said and I quote 'Please, don't leave me alone tonight. I just want to be with you.'" Natsu grinned, proud that his memory was on point.

Lucy, on the other hand, was blushing like crazy.

"I really said that?" she asked to which the two nodded. "We didn't do anything right?"

Natsu looked at her dumbfounded. "What do you mean?"

"You know... that?" Lucy continued, blush increasing. Natsu thought it over for a few seconds before his eyes widened. Now, it was his turn to blush.

"No! No we didn't! I wouldn't take advantage of you like that!"

"Good to know." she mumbled. The two sat there, still blushing. The exceed floated between them, slightly confused but shrugged.

"What are we doing today?" he asked.

"I was planning on going to the bookstore. You guys can join if you want."

"Sounds like fun." Natsu grinned. The awkward atmosphere from before had vanished. Lucy smiled back as she got up to get ready. Once they were all dressed and ready to go, they left the apartment.

Dark clouds lived in the sky above them as they walked down the not so busy streets. A light, yet chilly breeze made the blondes hair flow into her face. It also caused her to shiver slightly despite the fact that she was wearing a long sleeve. Happy rested in her arms, snuggling into her for warmth. Natsu was unaffected by the coldness, but he knew that it would start to rain soon seeing as more clouds were rolling in.

When they finally arrived at the bookstore, they headed to it's small cafe area and purchased some hot chocolate to warm them up. Lucy happily sipped her beverage as her eyes skimmed over the shelves of books. Natsu watched her intently, admiring the way her eyes gleamed in happiness.

He always knew Lucy had a strong interest in Literatur, yet he never realized how happy it made her. Seeing her like this made him happy as well.

Lucy grinned when she finally found a book to buy. "Finally! I've been looking for this forever." she cheered.

"Let's go buy it. Looks like it's about to rain, too."

"Where's Happy?"

"I think he flew off to the guild. He said something about wanting to make sure Wendy and Carla made it home before the storm came."

"How nice of him." She smiled, pulling out the amount of jewels to give the cashier as she made her purchase. When the two finally left, a light drizzle had already began.

"Shoot, I forgot my umbrella." mumbled Lucy.

"A little water never hurts!"

"I guess you're right." she sighed. Natsu extended his hand out to her to which she raised her eyebrows.

"We're practically dating. It's normal for couples to hold hands right?" he questioned.

She flushed before stuttering out, "Y-yeah. T-that's true."

She allowed herself to tangle her fingers with his as they walked. Natsu cheerfully hummed a tune to himself. Lucy would glance over to him every once in a while, admiring him.

Was it his childish behavior? His ever present grin? His determination? Personality? Silly pink hair? Just what was it about him that made her heart flutter?

A gust of wind suddenly came as the rain began to pick up. Lucy shivered once again before being pulled to Natsu's side. With his arm wrapped around her shoulders, he looked down at her.

She was already gazing up at him with awe and a light splotch of pink on her cheeks.

"You look really cute right now." he said.

"I- uh. Um... you-" she stuttered, at a loss for words.

"Hey Lucy?"


He leaned down and kissed her forhead "I."

Then her nose. "Love."

And finally, her lips after saying, "You."

As cliché as it was, the two were kissing in the pouring rain, not noticing as it began to fall even harsher than before. The street lamps slowly flickered to life as the clouds made the sky even darker.

Natsu and Lucy didn't want the kiss to end. Not only was it passionate and brought warmth, it felt so right. But, as mother nature would have it, a loud roll of thunder causes them to jump apart.

"Damn, that scared me." grumbled a breathless Natsu.

"Tell me about it."

"Let's you get you home. Wouldn't want to catch a cold now." he suggested. She nodded. They quickly made it back to her apartment, rushing inside. After changing into warm clothes while Natsu simply dried his with his magic, Lucy bundled herself up in a blanket and plopped on the couch.

"It's freezing!" she complained.

Natsu chuckled, taking a seat next to her. He pulled her on his lap, wrapping his arms around her. Lucy leaned against his chest. She enjoyed the warmth he brought.

She closed her eyes, finding herself to be rather tired despite the short lived day. Just as she was about to doze off, Natsu ask, "Lucy?"

"Yeah?" she responed back in a lazy tone.

"That kiss from earlier..."

"What about it?"

"It tasted like hot chocolate."


ok so, this probably only has a few more chapters left. maybe? idk??

also thanks for over 2.000 reads and all the votes! this is my most successful story on here seeing as I would always delete stories before even 10 chapters.

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