Day 5

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"He doesn't like the train, yet he rides it anyway?" Lucy asked, her head tilted a bit in worry and confusion.

Natsu lay, sprawled out on the seat across from her, Wendy, and Carla. His complaints and gurgles being heard loud and clear, while Happy tried to comfort him.

"All dragon slayers have motion sickness. I'm not really sure why that is."

"Wendy, you don't have it."

"I don't. I'm not too sure why I don't get it either. Maybe it's because I'm still young." She shrugged. They were on their way to a small job in the next town over. It was a simple task really, yet it paid fairly well.

The rest of the train ride was silent until they reached their stop. Then Natsu rushed out the doors and cheered in happiness.

"I'm so glad to be off that death trap." He sighed.

"It wasn't even that bad." Carla rolled her eyes.

"How would you know?!"

"Oh stop the bickering! Let's head over to the requesters home." Lucy told the two. They nodded and followed after her and Wendy. Both girls looked around the small city as they walked, admiring it's scenery.

"The house is right here!" Wendy declared upon arriving in front of a huge house.

The small group walked up to the door, knocking lightly. A few seconds later, a frail old woman answered. She smiled at the group and invited them inside.

"You are from the wizard's guild, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Lucy smiled as she proudly showed her guild mark.

"I'm Kikyo. I know this job seems silly seeing as it involves no use of magic but, I am quite old and need the help."

"Whatever job it is, I'm sure we can handle it." said a determined Wendy.

"Well, I make my living off selling fruits in town on the weekends. My late husband was a successful business man, but I wanted to make a living on my own after his passing. I am too old to go fruit picking, and the children who usually help me are out of town for the week. Your job is to simply pick the apples from the trees out back. They are very tall, so I have a step ladder you can borrow." the old woman explained.

"Sounds like fun!" Wendy grinned.

"Feel free to snack on an apple or two if you need it. I just need four baskets worth, but I'll give you a fifth basket to fill so you can take it home with you."

"Thank you! Would you like us to start now?" Lucy asked.

"That would be very kind of you." She nodded, showing them out to her backyard. She didn't exaggerate the size of the trees. They were very tall! Wendy would most likely need Carla's help for the job.

"I'll leave you to it. I'll prepare some lemonade for you guys if you're thirsty." Kikyo told them with another smile before heading back inside.

"Okay, let's each fill a basket." Wendy said, giving each of her teammates one. "Do you mind if I use the step ladder?"

"Go ahead! Pick some good ones." Lucy gave her a small wink before going over to a tree.

"I'll race you, Happy. Whoever fills their basket first wins!" Natsu challenged.

"Aye sir!" The two raced over to another tree, leaving Wendy and Carla at the shortest tree. It may have been the shortest, yet it was still too tall for little Wendy.

Kikyo came back out, when each of them had about half of their baskets full, with a tray holding a pitcher of lemonade. They paused their apple picking to quench their thirst.

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