Day 15

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Lucy awoke very early the next morning. The sun was rising as she stared at the ceiling, lost deep in her thoughts. Her dream was weird and had caused her to jolt awake. In her dream, she was falling. Lucy may have been falling, yet she was confident that someone would be there to catch her.

She couldn't hear her own voice as she shouted the name, but she could recall the movements of her mouth. When the arms enclosed around her as she was caught, she awoke. Her hand now resting on her forehead while the other was gripping her comforter, she began to mouth the word she believes she was saying in the dream.

"Not so? Lots-o? Motso? Natsa?" she mumbled, eyebrows furrowing together.

"Natsu?" at this, she sat up. Lucy was confident that that was it. But why? Who was Natsu? Why had she shouted their name? What was this Natsu to her?

Seeing as she wasn't falling back asleep, she stretched her arms over her head while letting a small yawn escape her lips. She decided to just get up and ready herself for the day. Lucy showered and dressed herself in her usual attire. Brushing her hair while exiting the bathroom, she wandered over to her desk to find a single white rose and a note.

"This wasn't here when I first woke up." she mumbled, reaching for the note.

seems that you woke up earlier than usual. hope you're not too tired and that you are willing to accompany me to the beach this afternoon. let's meet at the sakura tree in the park.
xo, your secret admirer.

Lucy's eyes widened and her cheeks flushed.  She put the note down and quickly put a bag together containing a swimsuit, sun screen, towel and maybe a book if things got awkward. The note didn't say a specific time, but that didn't matter. Lucy was already making her way out the door.

The weather was fresh with a light breeze. Lucy knew it would grow warmer as the day went on, so she was glad that her admirer decided to head to the beach. She let out a breath as she arrived in front of the sakura tree. A male with pink hair stood there with his own bag. Lucy could only assume that this was the man, especially since there was no one else in the park besides the two of them.

Natsu was kicking pebbles before looking up and seeing Lucy. He grinned and waved her over. She didn't hesitate to approach him and give him a warm smile.

"Hi." she greeted.

"Morning." he smiled again.

"I'm Lucy." she stuck her hand out for him to shake and he gladly took it.

"Natsu." her eyes widened a bit in surprise. Was this the guy who she called out to in her dream? Why? Why him?

She shook it off and covered her surprised expression with a smile.

"Shall we go?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah." she nodded. He extended his hand to her and she took it with no hesitation. They walked in comfortable silence, observing as the town became alive in the early morning hours. Shopkeepers setting up stands, the smells of freshly made bread and brewing coffee filled the air.

Lucy was about to suggest they stop for breakfast before she was interrupted.

"Natsu! Lucy!" a familiar voice shouted. The two turned to face Erza, Gray, Juvia, Wendy, Levy, Gajeel, and the exceeds. Mira, Lisanna, and Cana were not too far behind. Each of them had a beach-bag in hand or hitched on their shoulders.

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