Mind of Mine

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The bright light blinded Lucy for only a slight moment. She blinked a couple of times before her eyes adapted. In front of her stood what seemed like a childlike version of herself. The little Lucy was smiling down at her as she lay on what seemed like a grassy field.

Lucy sat up, grabbing a hold of her head before turning to look at the small child. "Who are you?"

"I'm your conscious, silly! I am here to help you sort through all your memories. Shall we go?" the younger version of Lucy, which was revealed as her conscious, held out her hand.

Lucy hesitantly took it and stood. "Where are we going?"

"A trip down memory lane!"

"You're awfully cheerful." grumbled Lucy.

"This is the day I've been waiting for. Being forced by an unknown barrier that prevented you from remembering anything about Natsu was hard." pouted her conscious.

"What happened to Natsu?"

"Why, it's not what happened to Natsu, it's what happened to you."

"And what is that?"

"This has been told to you many times before, but it was a curse. You were to forget everything about him and not remember anything about him until you confessed to him and meant it. It was to last fifty days before becoming permanent, yet you waited till last minute to finally confess. And that is why you are here." she smile brightly up at the shocked blond.

"I forgot... about Natsu?" she whispered.

"By force." her conscious frowned. "Now, crouch down! You are far to tall for me to do what I'm about to do!"

Lucy narrowed her eyes at the whining child before doing as told.

"Close your eyes." the child instructed in a sing song voice.

Lucy rolled her eyes and shut them, only to have them opened in surprise when she was smacked on the forehead by the child.

"What the heck?!"

"Be patient!"

Then suddenly, all of Lucy's memories returned to her. The ones from meeting the dense dragon slayer in Hargeon all the way to when they reunited a year after Fairy Tail's disbandment.

Also the new memories of those she couldn't recall before. A mirage of the last fifty days she spent with him that she couldn't remember. She was in total awe at the effort he had put to break the curse for her, yet sadden by the pain in his face as each day progressed.

Everything that had happened was now in her mind, never to disappear again. All the fights, jobs, happy times, and even the sad times spent with Natsu were now hers once more. Not only the memories, but the love she had for Natsu only intensified. Lucy loved him before, of course, but after knowing everything he had been through just for her caused her to care and cherish him even more.

She reopened her eyes once more, to find the child staring back at her with eager eyes. "Welcome back, Lucy. You have been truly missed."

Lucy's lip wobbled before sobs escaped them. She cried like never before, holding onto the tiny frame of her conscious. Her conscious smiled warmly at her crying figure as tears escaped her own eyes. She wrapped her arms around Lucy for comfort.

"I caused everyone so much trouble. It's a wonder that they didn't give up on me. Especially Natsu." whimpered Lucy.

Her conscious chuckled. "You caused no one any trouble. They are your family, your loved ones. They will go through any struggles to make sure you come back safely. You've seen how much Natsu loves you, despite the pain in his eyes of you not remembering him. But, if you look deeper in his eyes, you'll see the love he has for you overpowering the pain. He loves you more than anything, you know."

Lucy nodded. She pulled back while wiping at her eyes to rid of the tears even though they just kept falling. "I know. I love him, too."

"He knows, Lucy. And I can sense that he is waiting for you." she patted Lucy's head.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it's quite simple. You wish to meet him again, do you not?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then all you have to do is two things."

"Which are?"

"Number one, say that I am the greatest person, well conscious, ever!" the child cheered while throwing her arms up. Lucy just sweatdropped and gave her an incredulous look.

"You're joking, right? Wouldn't that just be me calling myself great?"

"Uh, you're right. Heh." she admitted while scratching her cheek. She shook her head and gave a stern look at Lucy. "Alright. For number two, all you have to do is..."

She paused for a dramatic affect.

Lucy groaned. "You really are a child, aren't you?"

"Have you forgotten that I am apart of you?! So technically, you're the child!"

"I've been hanging around Natsu too much." Lucy mumbled to herself. "Now tell me!"

"Oh yes! Well, all you have to do is wake up!"


"It's time to wake up and go home, Lucy." her conscious gave her one last close-eyed grin smile before everything faded to black once more.


yes, the title of this chapter is the same as zayn's album. and it's another short chapter again, so sorry.

hey but my story is nominated for a FT Watty so if you guys feel like it's worthy enough to be voted on, head on over to FeariTeiru_W_A  account and click on their book. if you vote for me, i'll love you forever. peace out girl scout

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