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When Lucy opened her eyes once again, she was welcomed by a warmth coming from her left and a blue ball of fur on her chest. She raised her right hand and stroked the exceed's sleeping head. This caused him to stir in his sleep and sit up. His tiny paws rubbed at his sleepy eyes as he let out a short yawn.

"Lushee, I was sleeping really good." he whined.

"Sorry, Happy." she chuckled.

The exceed paused mid yawn and widened his eyes. "Wait! Lushee!"

He nuzzled into her chest in an attempt to hug her as she sat up. She hugged him back and looked back down to see Natsu still sleeping at her side. It looked very uncomfortable considering he was in a chair and using his arms as a pillow on the bed.

Lucy let the fingers of her left hand play with his hair. He began to move around before sitting up and glaring sleepily at the blonde.

"Can't a guy sleep without getting his hair played with?"

"Well, jeez." scoffed Lucy.

"Dangit, Luce. I was having a nice dream too!" he stretched his arms over his head before pausing. "Wait, Lucy is awake!"

Natsu tackled her with an embrace, squishing Happy in the process.

"Natsu, Happy nor I can breathe." Lucy managed to get out.

"Oh, sorry lil guy."

"I'm dead. Goodbye world!" Happy bid his farewell before falling back to sleep. Of course, Natsu did check to make sure that he was still breathing properly before turning his attention back to Lucy.

"You're really awake."

"Mhm! How long was I out?"

"About a week." he shrugged. "Wait, you remember everything, don't you?"

"I do. Every little thing. Including the part where we held hands, when you were drunk and wanted to cuddle, when you said we were practically dating, every time we held hands, and who can forget the many times you told me you loved me?" she happily giggled.

Natsu blushed. "Uh, well."

"You know, I'm really happy you tried so hard. It paid off."

"I'll be honest with you, there were times when I wanted to just give up. I didn't think you would ever fall in love with a guy like me. But, I'm also kind of glad you were cursed."

"Oh?" Lucy raised an eyebrow, curious at his statement.

"Yeah. It made me realize how much I do love you." he looked into her eyes when he said this. He wanted her to know just how much truth was behind his words.

Lucy smiled at him. "You're stupid."

Natsu blinked. "Huh?"

"For saying how could I fall for a guy like you. I mean, how could I not? You're my best friend. You're the one that's always there for me, the one I can trust. You know, I loved you before the curse was placed, but I was too scared to confess it to you."

"How cliché. Falling for your best friend."

"Our life is anything but cliché, Natsu."

"I guess you're right. I'm glad to finally have you have back, Lucy." he grinned at her.

"I'm glad, too."

The two became silent, just staring into each others eyes. The faint sound of the guild members and Happy's steady breathing was all to be heard.

"Is this the part where we kiss?" Natsu asked.

"It can be, if you want it to."

"You don't have to ask me twice." Natsu smirked as he leaned over to bring his lips to hers. Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss while Natsu wrapped his around her waist to pull her closer.

Then the door swung open and the sound of a tray being dropped sent the two to break apart. Their surprised eyes looked up to see Mira there who seemed to be containing squeals.

"I-I.... Ah!" she screamed while running out. "They kissed! They kissed! And I saw it happen! I saw it! Ah!"

"Oh great." Lucy muttered at the same time Natsu said, "Dammit. Way to waste food, Mira."

"Is that all you think about?"

"Well besides you, yeah."

Lucy blushed and looked away. Natsu laughed at her flushed expression and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"C'mon. Let's go see everyone. They've been waiting for you to wake up."

"But I haven't showered in a week!"

"Um actually..."

Lucy blushed even darker than before. "Dragneel, you did not."

"Not me! Mira and Erza kind of helped in that department alright." he replied raising his hands in defense. Lucy sighed a sigh of relief before taking his hand and heading out to the guild hall. They allowed Happy to stay in the infirmary since he was still asleep.

The whole guild greeted them with smiles. Some even smirked at their interlaced hands, but they knew it was bound to happen; especially because of the curse.

"I was just going in to bring Natsu his breakfast and bam! Huge make-out fest!" Mira was gushing to their group of friends.

Natsu cleared his throat, cheeks burning slightly at Mira's words. They all turned to look at them. Lucy was looking at her bare feet as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Lucy is back!" Wendy cheered to break the awkward tension.

"Yeah, and apparently she got a hot make-out session as a 'welcome home' gift." snickered Gajeel.

"Shut up, Gajeel!" scolded Levy as she smacked the back of his head.

"You little shrimp!" he lightly pinched and pulled at her cheeks.

"I think they're deprived of a make-out session." Gray laughed referring to the bickering pair.

"Juvia would love to be in one with Gray-sama!" the water mage offered.

"All you damn couples making me feel lonely." sulked a certain scarlet haired mage.

"You know, Mira was just over exaggerating things." Lucy butted in.

"I was not!"

"You were."

"Do you doubt what I have seen with my own eyes?!" Mira was about to go into her Satan Soul, but Lucy quickly agreed.

Lucy then laughed, leaning into Natsu's side. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, smiling down at her.

He kissed the crown of her head. "Love you."

"Love you, too." she whispered back.

The guild awe'd at the pair. Lucy nuzzled her head into his chest to hide her embarrassed and blushing red face. She smiled to herself. Lucy was sure glad to be back home.


one more chapter and then that's a wrap!

well thanks for reading! until next time. x

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