Day 2

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Natsu arrived at the guild quite early the next day. He was pretty excited about going on a job. The town was still in the process of being rebuilt, but since everyone had helped the process was going by fast and smooth. As soon as he entered the guild, he went straight to Levy, Lily and Carla. He forgot to ask them all if they had found anything about the curse the other day. They had all been so thrilled that Lucy had awoken, that they forgot to tell him.

"Morning Levy, Carla, Lily. Did you guys happen to find anything?"

"We were able to confirm that the way Bankotsu told you how to break the curse is correct." Lily told him, his tiny arms crossed over his chest.

"Carla and I found that if the mage that cast the spell wasn't strong enough, the spell would waver and Lucy might recall some memories that she shared with you but she still won't remember who are. But, we don't really know how strong Bankotsu's curse was. We'll have to wait it out." Levy added.

Natsu pouted, "Geez, this sucks."

"What? You don't want Lucy to fall for you?" the blunette smirked and Natsu immediately felt his face warm up. Before he could respond, the guild doors opened allowing Lucy and Wendy to enter.

Lucy, being the stubborn girl she is, insisted that everyone let her go home so she could rest where she's most comfortable. They allowed it, but only if someone were to accompany her for the night. Of course, Natsu wanted to volunteer, but he could feel Erza's glare on him and decided not to. Wendy offered, especially since she wanted to make sure her wounds would be alright. Carla also joined but left earlier than the two to try and research more about the curse.

"Good morning, Levy!" Lucy cheered, walking over to them with Wendy following.

"Morning Lu! Before you ask, this is Natsu Dragneel who is a Fire Dragon Slayer." she introduced.

Lucy turned and smiled at Natsu, "Morning Natsu. I'm Lucy, a Celestial Spirit Mage."

"Nice to meet you." he smiled at her, in which she returned.

"Levy, do you know where Erza and Gray are?" Lucy asked, turning back to her friend.

"Erza is looking for a job for you guys to do and Gray is probably trying to fend Juvia off around here somewhere."

"Natsu!" a voice whined. They all turned to see the blue exceed fly through the guild doors and into Natsu's chest.

"Happy? What's up?"

"Don't 'what's up' me! You left me! What happened to always coming to the guild together?" Happy pouted.

"Aw, Happy. I'm sure he didn't mean to leave you behind." Lucy told him while patting his head. Happy looked up at her with a shocked expression.

"You remember me?"

Lucy tilted her head to the side in confusion, "Why would I forget?"

"Fool! The curse was only placed on Natsu." Carla hissed in a whisper.

"Oh. It's nothing, Lucy!" he told the blonde. She just stared at him before Erza called them over. Lucy wondered why Natsu was following after her, but then thought that maybe Erza had invited him before her arrival.

"I picked a simple job for is since we are all healing up. It should still be fun nonetheless." She grinned at her team before yelling at Gray to get some clothes on.

"Dammit, not again." Gray grumbled.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu exclaimed as they set off to their job.

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