Day 29

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Lucy awoke the next morning to be greeted by a ball of blue fur. She quickly sat up and grabbed the familiar exceed by his tail. She hovered him over her lap and looked at his still sleeping face.

Lucy then began to rock him back and forth in an attempt to wake him up.

"Am I on a swing or something?" he mumbled, slowly opening his eyes. His eyes widened once he was saw he was hanging upside down above the ground.

"Ah! Put me down! I'm too young to die!" he cried in protest.

Lucy brought him closer to her face and glared. "What are you doing here, cat?"

"Oh! Lucy! I was just here to make Natsu didn't burn your house down while cooking. I must've fallen asleep." he explained.

"Natsu? Who's that and why was he cooking in my kitchen?"

"Um..." Happy began to think of excuse but Lucy put him down and scurried of the bed. She quickly made her way to the kitchen, only to have her eyes widen in shock.

On her small table, lay a fresh breakfast of eggs, bacon, and strawberry pancakes with a glass of milk. Without realizing it, Lucy's stomach growled. She lightly blushed and rested her hand on it.

"There's certainly too much food here to eat for one person." Lucy mumbled to herself. Suddenly, she heard the opening of her window and saw a blur of pink tumble into her room.

She froze in her spot and watched as the pinkette brought himself to his feet. He dusted himself off and made sure the bouquet of flowers was alright.

"Natsu, you big klutz! Ooh!! Are those flowers for Lushee?" Happy teased, already eating some of the breakfast on the table.

"Natsu?" Lucy asked.

"I thought you'd still be asleep when I got back to drop these off, but I was wrong." He shrugged his shoulders with a small smile. Natsu made his over to Lucy and handed her the flowers while aslo placing a quick kiss on her cheek. Lucy was in shock at his action to completely regesiter what was going on.

When she came to her senses, she looked him in the eyes. "Why are you in my house and acting like we're a couple?"

Natsu chuckled, "Let's eat and I'll explain everything. Again."


And so, as the trio ate their lovely breakfast made the dragon slayer himself, everything was explained. Of course, Lucy was shocked and even shed a few tears, but she was overjoyed at the fact that Natsu was trying so hard for her.

It made her heart race and cheeks flare. She felt something she never felt before. After finishing their meal and cleaning up after themselves, Lucy went to wash up and change. They then moved into the main room and rested on the couch.

"Any plans for today?" Natsu asked his teammate.

"It looks like rain, Natsu!" Happy informed him from his spot near the window.

"Can we just stay here all day?" Lucy suggested, sprawling on the couch and placing her legs in Natsu's lap.

"You're just gonna let me, a stranger, stay here and hang you with all day?" he smirked, resting a hand on her leg.

"I'm hanging out with the guy who claims to be in love with me and an exceed, what's so bad about that?"

"Do you not believe that I'm in love with you?"

"Well..." Lucy started. Before she could say another word, Natsu was hovering above her looking straight into her eyes.

"W-what are you doing?" Lucy stuttered.

Natsu didn't say anything as he intertwined one of his hands with hers. "If I kissed you right now, what you do?"

"Probably kick you off me!"

"Aw, but you kissed me yesterday!"

Lucy blushed, "That's not fair! I don't remember anything!"

"It's true Lushee! Mira sent me to check up on you guys and I walked in on that. Almost gave Mira a nosebleed when I told her." stated a proud Happy.

"I- Wait! If Mirajane knows, then everyone knows!" Lucy whined, forgetting the position she was in.

"Oi! Luce, stop worrying already and kiss me." Natsu pouted.

"You put me in a position where I can't move to kiss you!"

"So that means I can kiss you!" Natsu cheered. Lucy went to protest, but was cut off as soon as warm lips pressed against hers.

She soon relaxed into the kiss and felt him smirk against her lips. Lucy resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she slowly began to realize how familiar it felt. This warmth, she felt it before and was comforted by it. Lucy did not want it to leave.

But, sadly, the clicking of a camera made the two break apart. Lucy pouted at the loss of warmth as her head turned to see a giggling Happy.

"Happy." Natsu scolded.

"Now I have proof for everyone!" cheered the exceed. Natsu scrambled off the couch, tripping in the process to try and grab a hold of his exceed. Happy was faster as he made a break for the window and began his way to the guild, snickering.

"Dammit." the dragon slayer muttered. He went back to plop down next to Lucy on the couch, who was now sitting up.

She looked intently at him. "Well, it was bound to happen."

"Huh?" she tilted her head in confusion.

"Sooner or later, Mira would've gotten her proof and now she has it."

Lucy shrugged. "Oh well. Not like I'll remember it tomorrow."

Natsu just sighed and leaned into the couch, try to get more comfortable. He kept fidgeting until finally just laying down acros the thing.

"Hey! I'm still sitting here!" Lucy protested. Natsu just laid her down next to him and held her in his arms.

"Gee, you're very affectionate." she mumbled, although she was blushing. Without realizing it herself, she snuggled closer to him, happy to have the warmth return to her.

"Are you not comfortable?" he hummed, closing his eyes as he rested his head on hers.

"I am, I am."

"Good. I'm gonna nap now."

"So I'm just gonna be stuck here?" she asked, referring to his grip on her.

"Mhm. You can nap, too."

"Ugh, I guess." It fell silent for a while. Lucy lay her head near the crook of his neck that was covered by his scarf. She absentmindely brought her hand up to the scarf to graze her fingers on the scale-like material.

"Natsu?" she whispered.


"I want to go confront him. Bankotsu, that is."

Natsu opened an eye and looked down at the blonde in his arms. "What for?"

"To confront him, I just said that. I want to know why he cursed me exactly and if he can undo it. I want to remember you and, as I supposedly said yesterday, I want to fall in love with you." she admitted.

Her eyes began to slowly close as she felt herself becoming more tired as the time passed. Natsu placed a small kiss on the crowd of her head.

He closed his eyes once again as he heard the steady rhythm of her breathing.

"Alright, Luce. Tomorrow, we'll go confront this guy." he whispered as he also began to fall asleep.


sorry for the lack of updates. i had a concert on saturday to go to and then easter and my birthday on sunday was busy. ahh, hectic!

but theyre going go meet with bankotsu!!

vote and comment if u liked this chapter! thanks for reading!

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