Epilogue ; Revelation

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It was only about three months after the wedding of Natsu and Lucy. Things were as normal in the guild as ever. The only hectic thing being the planning of not only Levy and Gajeel's wedding, but Gray and Juvia's as well. Erza and Jellal had a small wedding a month before Natsu and Lucy's.

Sadly, none of the top couples had any little children running around, yet. Juvia was actually around four months pregnant while Erza and Mira were in a race to see who would pop first. The guild would be having new members crawling around soon.

"Didn't you just throw up like bucket loads this morning?" Natsu asked his wife while coming out of the restroom with a towel around his neck.

Lucy looked up at him with a chicken nugget in one hand and a spoon that once held ice cream in her mouth. She took the spoon out while throwing a shirt at him. "Put some clothes on. I don't want to see you walking around half naked."

"Oh sure. Like you don't love it." he winked. She just rolled her eyes and took a bite of the chicken nugget.

"Chicken nuggets and ice cream? Is that your new weird meal?"

"What do you mean weird?"

"Yesterday you ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with pickles. That disgusted even me!" he gagged for special effect.

"It was good too! Just put your shirt on already so we can go to the guild." she huffed. Lucy got up to place the ice cream back in the freezer and slip on her shoes. She also placed her keys and whip on her belt at her hip.

She looked down at her torso, noticing that it looked a bit more buldged than usual.


"Hmm?" he hummed. He was wrapping his scarf around his neck before walking over to her.

"Have I gained weight?"

"I don't think so." he answered after analyzing her.

"I feel pudgy." she pouted.

He chuckled at her, lifting her chin up lightly with his fingers. "You'd still look good pudgy."

Natsu then placed a small kiss on the tip of her nose before taking her hand in his. They then departed from their small home, which was Natsu's house, and headed towards the guild. It was spring time, so every now and then, a cloud when pass over the sun making the sky a but dark before leaving and brightening up.

"My feet hurt." complained the blonde mage when they arrived in front of the guild.

"Lucy, the walk wasn't even that far."

"I know but still. Whatever, I need to talk to Levy and ask her how the planning is going." she stated before pushing through the guild doors. "But first, a shake sounds nice."

Lucy redirected herself to the bar before being stopped by Cana. Cana looked at her with raised brows as shs took a swig of her drink.

"Why are you swollen?" she asked while wiping the corners of her mouth.

Lucy gave her an odd look. "Swollen? What do you mean?"

Cana rolled her eyes with a smirk and set her drink down. She walked over to Lucy and groped her chest, snickering at the girl's expression.

"Hey Natsu!" Cana called making the said boy turn. "Don't these look a bit swollen to you?"

She gave Lucy's chest a squeeze.

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