Chapter Fourteen

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Without turning around, Steve said, "You're kidding me, right?"

"What?" Jenna came around to smile at Aislinn. "Hi. I'm Jenna. And you are?"

"Jenna, enough."

"No," Aislinn smiled back, although her eyes no longer danced quite so playfully now, "it's okay, Steve. I don't mind. I mean, we'd probably end up meeting eventually anyway, right?"

He sat back, his gut churning with irritation that was slowly boiling up to fury, but to her credit, Aislinn was coolness personified as she held out a hand. "I'm Aislinn Lokidatter. A pleasure to meet you."

"You're the girl Steve met at the shore, right?"

"That would be me."

"Well, how sweet, that you're up here now." Jenna's eyes, normally a tranquil dark brown, glinted with anger as they slid toward him. "You know, Steve and I were together for over three years."

"And now we're not," he reminded her, fighting to keep his voice even. "And really, you should probably go now."

"Why?" Jenna flashed him a smile as she dragged a chair over from the neighboring table and sank into it. "I'm just curious about this lovely girl who's replacing me."

He swallowed his groan, but Aislinn kept her smile firmly in place. "I'm pretty sure Steve told me you were already broken up."

"Well, technically, I guess, but--"

"Here we go, guys," Chris interrupted with a bright smile. "A Malibu bay breeze and a Johnny Double Black and--" She looked down at Jenna. "Do you need another menu?"

Before Jenna could answer, Steve said, "No. She's not staying." He turned to Aislinn. "I'll be right back, honey."

As she nodded, he rose from his chair and caught Jenna by the elbow to tug her to her feet. "A word outside, Jen?"

He gritted his teeth as she shot Aislinn a triumphant smile. "Sure, sweetheart."

Maybe it was childish, but he leaned over to give Aislinn a teasing kiss. "I'll be right back, baby," he murmured.

"Let me know if you need me know..." Aislinn said with grin.

He winked and straightened up. "I will."

Jenna let him lead her outside, and once they were in the darkness, she moved to slip her arms about his waist. "Steve, just let me ex--"

"Enough." He didn't raise his voice as he tugged her arms free and stepped back. "Don't even think about coming back inside, Jen. Really. Phone calls are one thing--"

"You blocked my number."

"Yeah, I know." He folded his arms and held her stare easily. "And it's going to stay blocked and you're going to stay away from me and away from Aislinn. Got that?"

"Steve, I--"

"Away from us. Far away. Trust me, Jen, you do not want to piss Ash off. You will regret it if you do."

"Why? What is she going to do?"

"Just trust me." He moved back to the door and caught the handle. "Leave me alone, Jenna. Don't text me, don't call me, don't try to accidentally bump into me anywhere and definitely do not hassle Aislinn. She had nothing to do with our breakup and--"

"She has everything to do with this, though." Jenna's eyes glimmered with tears. "If it weren't for her, you and I would have patched everything up by now."

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