Chapter Eighteen

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Aislinn winced as they left the mall and the sticky, humid air wrapped around her. That wet sheet feeling was one of the worst things about New Jersey in the summer and one of the things she never missed when she was in Asgard.

"Are you all right?" Steve's hand came to rest at the small of her back. "You look a little pale."

"I'm always pale, or haven't you noticed?"

"Well, I didn't want to say anything, but..."

She managed a smile. "I don't do well in the heat."

"I've noticed. I figured it was an Asgardian thing." He guided her off the curb and across to the parking spaces. "I guess it's not quite so brutal there, huh?"

She drew the back of her hand across her forehead, which was beaded with perspiration already. "Not even close. This is terrible."

"We're almost to my truck." He aimed the transmitter and the alarm beeped off.

The parking lot tilted abruptly and she leaned heavily into him. Fortunately, he had good reflexes and tightened his arm about her waist before she could fall. "Sorry..." she managed to grit as the entire lot swam before her. "Steve... I don't feel... I think I'm going to faint..."

"Here we are, honey." He yanked open the passenger door and lifted her easily to set on the seat. Reaching across her, he shoved the key into the ignition, turned over the engine, and blasted the AC, aiming the vents at her.

She sank into the seat, her eyes closing of their own as bells began clanging inside her skull. The door banging shut only barely registered as she fought to remain awake. Although the heat bothered her, it rarely bothered her to this degree.

The air cooled quickly, washing over her to send the bells receding into the distance. Little by little, her head cleared and she opened her eyes to smile at Steve. "Thank you."

"Are you okay? You're still white as a sheet, honey."

"I'll be fine in a few minutes."

He didn't look so certain. "I can run in and grab you a bottle of water or something, if it'll help."

She reached over to cover his hand with hers. "I'll be fine, really. This is just what I need."

"So, am I going to freeze my ass off in Asgard?"

"No." She sighed softly. "There's something else I have to tell you about me."

He stared. "Are you serious?"

With a nod, she wiggled her fingers and a bottle of water sat on the dashboard. She twisted off the cap and brought it to her lips for a long drink. Lowering it, she said, "Maybe we should just go back to your place first."

"I'm not going to like this, am I?"

"I don't know."

"Aislinn." He drummed his fingertips against the steering wheel. "Just tell me."

Oh, boy. He didn't sound happy. His eyes were dark, his jaw was tight, and his fingers refused to be still. She reached over to cover his hand with hers again. "It's not that bad, honest."

"What is it?"

"I told you I was born in Asgard."


"Well, I was. But I'm not Asgardian."


She sighed, playing with the bottle. "The people of Asgard have always believed Loki to be one of them. But the truth was, Odin adopted him when he was a baby. He's actually Jötunn."

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