Chapter Eighty-Five

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By noon, the rain had let up and the sun actually tried to peek through, which was a relief for Aislinn, since she didn't have to lug Chris's carrier through the downpour. Still, it was a little chilly, so she tucked a fleece blanket about him as she lifted the carrier from her Jetta and made her way up to the main doors.

She pushed the button and smiled as the crackly voice said, "How may I help you?"

"I'm here to see Steve Molinaro."

"Is he expecting you?"

"He is."

"Come on in and come to the first door on your right."

She tugged on the door handle and stepped inside, where it was comfortably warmer. As she came into the office, Deana, the main secretary looked up and smiled. "Mrs. Molinaro! How good to see you. Oh, my God... is that the baby?"

Aislinn couldn't help her proud smile as she set the carrier on the sofa. "Yes, it is."

The secretary came around the low half-wall to crouch before the carrier. "We've all been dying to see him, since Mr. Molinaro isn't too big on updating his Facebook page."

Aislinn smiled. "He's a little busy these days."

"I can imagine." Deana smiled up at her, then glanced over her shoulder. "Amy, please call down to Mr. Molinaro and let him know his wife and baby are here."

"Of course." Amy reached for the phone on Deana's desk.

Perhaps it was only Aislinn's imagination, but Amy's expression seemed to darken as she dialed, then said, "Mr. Molinaro, your wife and baby are here."

However, she couldn't dwell as Deana said, "We've been pestering him like crazy ever since he came back to work. He showed us all pictures, but we've been dying to see him in the flesh and now... oh, you are a cute little thing, aren't you?" She smiled at Chris. "You look just like your daddy."

Chris just stared at her with wide slate colored eyes and Deana smiled up at Aislinn. "He is absolutely beautiful, Mrs. Molinaro."

"Thank you." It was still a little weird to hear herself being addressed as Mrs. Molinaro, but she was slowly adjusting to it. "He looks just like Steve, doesn't he?"

"Oh, without a doubt." Amy came around to crouch before the sofa as well. "There is no way he would ever be able to deny it."

Deana shook her head. "Oh, from what I've heard, there is no papa more proud than this little guy's daddy."

Aislinn reached down to smooth Chris's dark hair away from his forehead. Every day, he seemed to look more like Steve. A future heartbreaker, no doubt.

The office door opened and Steve said, "I'm pretty sure someone told me I'd find my wife and son down here somewhere."

Aislinn looked up and smiled. "They're admiring your boy, Steve. Let's give them a minute, okay?"

"Where is my little man?" He bent over the carrier. He unbuckled the five-point harness and carefully lifted Chris up into his arms. "There, isn't that better, buddy?"

Chris turned toward Steve's voice, his head still wobbly, and Aislinn bit down on her bottom lip as Steve carefully moved his hand to support it. All around him, the women let out a collective sigh. It was hard to keep from sighing as well, as there was something just so adorable, so sexy, about watching Steve with their son. Every time she saw Chris in his father's arms, every time she saw Steve nuzzling him, or whispering to him, or even just standing over his bassinet, rocking Chris in his arms, Aislinn melted a little more on the inside.

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