Chapter Forty-Two

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The ring sat on her dresser, glittering when the afternoon sunlight sliced through her chambers, and every time Aislinn saw it, her eyes filled with fresh tears. A week had gone by since Steve stormed out of Asgard and yet she couldn't bring herself to go back to Midgard and fetch her things. She knew he wanted her things out of his house, and he wanted his ring back, but she just couldn't... not yet. When that happened, it would mean it was truly over with him. As long as she still had his ring, and he had her belongings, there was still hope.

Day after day, she haunted Heimdall's gatehouse. Steve went out night after night with Jake and her heart broke a little more each time. He did very little drinking, but night after night, he and Jake attracted a multitude of women. She saw him dancing with a petite blonde. Laughing over something with a beautiful brunette.

Kissing a stunning redhead.

That one hurt the most and she cried herself to sleep over it.

That was yesterday, and now, she drifted back into Heimdall's gatehouse, where the gatekeeper said, "He is home, Your Highness."

"I'm so sorry, Heimdall. I know I've been a pain."

"Why don't you go to him and talk to him?"

"Because he doesn't want me, Heimdall. You saw him with the redhead." Her throat tightened. He'd brought the redhead back to his townhouse, but when the front door closed, Aislinn had to turn away. She didn't want to know any more. Didn't want to think about his making love to the redhead in the same bed she'd shared with him.

"Your Highness..."

"Heimdall, please don't. I know, this is my fault. I was a fool and it's cost me everything." Her eyes filled with tears once more and she swiped at her left eye with her sleeve. "And I've lost him. To the redhead. To another blonde. To Megan. It doesn't matter. He's getting on with his life and I want him to be happy."

"Your Highness, if I may be so bold, I don't think he is happy."

"He was screwing another woman, Heimdall. Kind of tough to be miserable when you're having an orgasm."

If her bluntness shocked him, he gave no indication of it. Instead, he shook his head. "He did nothing with her. The door closed and not five minutes later, she was leaving."


Heimdall bobbed his head. "Yes, Your Highness. He slept alone. As he has since he left. He is no more happy than you are."

"Heimdall, are you kidding me? Pulling my leg? Because they are long enough if you are."

"I am doing no such thing, Princess. In fact, he is as miserable as you have been. Night after night, he lays in his bed, staring up at the ceiling, and his thoughts are of you. You and only you."

"As much as I would like to believe that, I saw him. You showed me."

"You saw him in bits, Princess. Yes, he danced with another woman. But when she tried to kiss him, he moved. And yes, you saw him kiss someone else, but he jerked back almost at once. They are wrong for him and he knows it. You are the one he wants, Aislinn. You and only you."

It wasn't often Heimdall slipped and became informal, but she didn't mind. Her heart hammered against her ribs. "Heimdall, how do you know?"

"Because it is my duty to know all that happens in the nine realms. And you have always held a special place in my heart. I wish only to see you happy."

She managed to smile up at him. "Heimdall, does he miss me?"

"Yes, my dear. He does. Terribly."

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