Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Who is that?"

"Who is she?"

"Did you see her eyes?"


Aislinn cringed as Steve pulled open the gate and said, "Hey, everyone, where's the birthday girl?"

No doubt, those words would be whispered at some time during the barbecue, as she heard them--or overheard them--at practically every social gathering she attended. At least a thousand pairs of eyes seemed to hone in on her and Aislinn forced a smile to her lips as Steve's hand tightened about hers, as his thumb brushed along hers. It was reassuring, and some of the heat drained from her face.

"Uncle Stevie!"

Aislinn couldn't help her smile as a little boy with a shock of dark hair flung himself at Steve, who caught him easily and scooped him up. "Hey, Matt! What is your mother feeding you? Rocks?"

"No!" Matthew laughed, letting out another shriek as Steve tossed him into the air. As he landed safely in his uncle's arms, Matthew focused big brown eyes on her, pointed and said, "Who's that, Uncle Stevie? She's pretty."

"Yeah, Uncle Stevie," a small, dark-haired woman with the same amber-brown eyes as Steve's, came up to them and smiled, "who is this?"

Steve winked at Aislinn. "Tracy, Matt, this is Aislinn Lokidatter. Ash, this is my sister, Tracy and her son, Matt."

"So, you're Aislinn." Tracy's eyes lit up as she held out her hand. "It's wonderful to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

"It's nice to meet you, too. And you, Matt." Aislinn smiled and caught Tracy's hand. "It's good to meet you, as well. Steve talks so much about his family, I feel as if I know you already."

"Come on," Tracy tugged on her arm, "it's probably best to just jump in and get through the inquisition. Everyone is dying to meet you because they're all convinced you're just a figment of Steve's imagination."

Matthew, his arms still looped about Steve's neck, grinned. "What's a figment of your imagination?"

"It means we thought Stevie made her up entirely." A man who bore a strong resemblance to Steve draped a casual arm about Steve's shoulders.

"And now you see I didn't," Steve said. "Tony, this is Aislinn. Ash, my brother Tony."

"It's nice to finally meet you, Aislinn." Tony grinned. "And you're every bit as lovely as Stevie bragged."

Aislinn smiled. "So, you bragged about me," she glanced at Steve and winked, "Stevie?"

Matthew wriggled, so Steve set him down and the little boy took off to join the other children playing on the wooden jungle gym. "He totally bragged about you," Tony said, looking over her head and gesturing for someone to join them.

Steve slid his arm about her waist as one by one, he introduced her to his family. The Molinaro siblings were easy to identify. All darkly good-looking, with friendly smiles and easy-going personalities. She met wives, husbands, children, and swallowed hard as Steve gestured to an older couple. "They're harmless, Ash. Don't look so scared."

"Does it show?"

He nodded. "They'll like you. You're the woman who managed to get me to the altar, honey."

She glanced up at him. "What?"

"Well, it's not the only reason, but it helps." He squeezed her close. "I promise you, they'll like you."

She swallowed hard as they neared the couple and Steve said, "Ma, Pop, there's someone I'd like you to meet."

Mr. and Mrs. Molinaro looked up and both smiled. It was easy to see that Steve took after his father. His smile was Steve's, his eyes were Steve's, and when he rose and turned to her, that smile was bright. "You must be Aislinn," Mr. Molinaro said, holding out a hand. "It's wonderful to finally meet you."

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