This Boy..

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A Picture Of Dedrick

I just want to have a chance with one person, yaa know.? All to myself, no one else trying to get with him or him focusing on someone else. Like I only went out with 6 people in my life (( 8 but less than a couple months doesnt count to me )) cause lately I've been focusing on school. But now I'm just boy crazy I guess because I don't want to be missing out how to be a teenager, then I will regret of being young.

I called jade about talking to this guy but idek how because usually people say something to me. And its even harder because he's kinda shy like he has his own clique and he doesn't mind walking alone in the halls and all that.


Jade - so you really like this guy huh.?

Me - yeah, I'm new to this so how do I talk to him when we do not have classes together.?

Jade - well just say hi in the hallways and try to get his attention

Me - I wonder who he likes or if he even know who likes him

Jade - we got you covered

Me - wtf that mean .? You is not that black nigga in the commercial and wym "we"

Jade - me and my boyfriend got you . my boyfriend gone ask him

Me - fuck . but don't mess this up

Jade - We got you girl . Don't trip

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