18.- weird friendship

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Justin: so, you're 20

Justin: what do you do?

Me: College

Justin: ooh, a smartass

Justin: I like it

Me: I'm not a smartass lol

Justin: what's your major?

Me: journalism

Justin: nah

Me: yup

Justin: why did you choose journalism?

Me: to be honest because I love writing and my parents wouldn't let me study literature

Me: so i'm stuck here for the moment

Justin: that's right! you told me you wrote fanfiction

Me: yes, that's funny actually

Me: fanfiction is what got me started on writing

Justin: well you're welcome

Me: ugh we have such a weird friendship

Justin: so are you going to tell me what your fanfiction is about?

Me: hmm just to prove i'm nicer than you i'll tell you about the first fanfiction I wrote

Justin: okay tell me

Me: okay but it's really shitty lol

Me: like, I put all the ideas that came to my head into that thing

Justin: lol like what

Me: okay so it's set in like 2011

Justin: okay... I get an idea now lol

Me: and the girl is your best friend, yes, I know, so cliché, I don't care

Me: and you've been in love with her your whole life and just when she starts falling for you, you start dating this other girl

Justin: awwww :(

Me: and then everything just gets so complicated

Me: and yes, Caitlin is the girl's best friend on my fanfiction

Justin: why do you like Caitlin so much tho

Me: excuse me she's my queen

Me: the girl is just so cute and pretty and nice ugh:(

Me: why did you let her gooooooo



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