Just An Inch Away

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Chapter 14

~Lexi's POV~

I grab my black skinny jeans and my white Tank top and a leather jacket. I curled my hair and grabbed my charm bracelet.

The charm bracelet is my favorite bracelet, Harry gave it to me to show that we will be friends forever, and he kept his promise. I've had that bracelet since I was 13.

Once I arrived at school everyone had their phones out and laptops. Haley came rushing towards me. She grabbed my arm.

"Look!" She says.

The boys are in an interview with a radio host and are on live stream.

"So Harry you've been spotted with a girl, Lexi brooks?" Asks the radio host.

He blushes and nods as Louis pokes his cheek. I smile.

"Are you guys dating?" Asks the radio host.

"Um, no, we are, we are just, um, friends." He says blushing, you can tell he was a little nervous.

I smiled.

"So there is nothing between you guys?" Asks the radio guy.

"Uh, no, she's really beautiful though." He says.

"He fancy's her but doesn't want to admit it!" Says Louis.

Harry rolls his eyes.

His voice is raspy and husky, he had the most beautiful accent, even though he kinda talks slow.

"You guys would look really good together!" Whines Haley.

"No!" I say.


"Hey babe." Says Harry hugging me.

The others just look like they want to kill us.


"No!" We say, I get out of his arms and we sit next to each other.

"They're annoying aren't they?" Asks Harry whispering in my ear.

I nod and give him a smile.

"I hate you two." Louis glares at us.

"Why?" I ask.

"You guys are always acting like a couple! JUST DATE ALREADY WHAT'S THE HOLD UP?!?" He asks.

I lean over to put my hand on his face and push him. He laughs and rolls his eyes.


"Harry!" I squeal. "Let me go!"

I laugh harder and my stomach starts hurting. I need him to stick tickling me. He laughs along with me. I slap his manly -boy- hood.

He groans and and rolls into a ball. I stop laughing and hug him.

"I'm sorry!" I say.

Guilt rises over me. Well he shouldn't have tickled me.

He groans again squeezing his eyes shut and coving his manly

- boy - hood.

I don't know what to do I don't have a man hood!

"Harry I'm so sorry!" I say.

I run downstairs and get an ice pack. I run upstairs and see Harry still curled up.

"Thanks" he says putting the ice pack on his hood.

I bit my lip.

"I just wanted you to stop I don't mean to hit you hard." I say.

"It's ok." He says laying flat on his back.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

He nods. I run a hand through my hair moving my hair to the right. I grab my text book. Tomorrow we are taking the last test and then we graduate on Friday.

"You know you should have told me to stop" he says sitting criss-cross.

"I did you didn't stop in stead you kept tickling me!" I say.

He bites his lip as I look into his green emerald eyes, they were so hypnotizing. It's like a trap, a trance.

Our faces are closer, any moment our lips would be touching. I felt his hot breath hit my face. He grabs my cheek and caresses it. His thumb rubbing my soft skin on my cheek.

Our lips were just an inch away, a part of me wanted to just kiss him, the other part of me wanted to back away and not ruining our friendship.

Our lips were about to touch.

"Le- what are you guys doing?" Asks my mum giving me a questioning look.

I pull away and tie my hair leaving my side bangs to come over my forehead.


"I was leaving!" Says Harry. "Bye Lexi!"

I close my text book and put every thing away and out the covers over my head.

That was awkward...

I hear my door close, I peek over the covers and see my mum left. I sighed of relief.

I put on a tank top and my gymnastics shorts on. This is my last competition before I graduate.

I grab my bag and put on my converse.

"Lexi your competition!" Says my mum.

I get into the car with her. I hope she doesn't bring up the fact that Harry and I almost kissed, again.

I rest my head on the head rest. I almost kissed Harry. I almost kissed my Best Friend. Another chance of making out relationship awkward. Great.

"Sweetie..." Begins my mum.

I look at her.

Please don't bring it up.

"Want to talk about what happened in your room?" She asks.

I shake my head 'no'.


We won the competition. Amanda was holding a party for the group. Not an alcoholic party but just for the girls to say goodbye.

"Have fun." Says my mum.

I nod and knock on the door.

"You made it!" Says Amanda.

I smile and walk in.

"Lexi!" Says Ashley, Amanda's sister.

I walk over and sit next to her.

"So I heard Harry Styles was your Best Friend?" She asks.

I nod. Harry. His eyes, his curls, his lips. No. Lexi stop thinking about him!


Once I arrive home I go to my room and take my shoes off and go to my bed.

I just wish I could erase today and start all over. I don't want to ruin our friend ship.

If we could only turn back time.

(Thank you so much for the 100+ reads! Yay! Please vote and do you have time to comment? :) thanks!)

TWITTER: @Mofo5idots

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