We're Idiots

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Chapter Nine

~Lexi's POV~

After school Haley and I head to the mall to get our outfits.

"How about this?" I ask.

I pulled up high wasted shorts, a white 'I Want To DANCE' crop top.

"That's perfect!" She says.

I go over to the shoe isle. I look at the black platforms. I get them in my size and try the on. They are studded in the back and they are black.

"Haley! How are these?" I ask.

"Ooh I like those!" She says.

Once she gets her outfit witch is a light pink high-low dress with black heels.

We go pay for our outfits and go grab a bite at subway. I pay for my sandwich and we sit at a table.

"Oh my god! Aren't you Niall Horan's girlfriend? And aren't you Harry Styles Best friend?!" Asks a girl probably 12.

"Yeah" smiles Haley.

"Can I have both your autographs?" She asks.

Haley signs and I sign and then we can't eat. More and more girls come and then the papz.

We run to the bathroom and lock it.

"Harry! Help us send Paul or someone we are getting mobbed!" I say into my iPhone.

"Babe we are getting mobbed!" Says Haley into her iPhone.

We hang up and wait 20 minutes in the bathroom. I open the door and and people start pushing through the door.

Me and Haley push with all our power and we finally get the door closed.

Harry: where are you?

Lexi: in the bathroom at subway in the mall!

Niall and Harry open the door, Niall is dressed as a hobo and Harry is dressed as a snow man. Oh boy the costumes they choose.

"Here put this on." They say.

Harry hands me a pink wing rocker top with skin tight black rocker jeans. I put them on along with the fish net gloves and 10 inch black heels. I could barley walk in them.

I put on a fake ring piercing on my lip. I grab a small crystal sticker and put it on my nose. I looked like a rocker, a crazy one too. I grabbed Harry's shoulder for support because I couldn't walk without tripping every time here and then.

Haley came out with crazy clown hair, a clown print pants and shirt and big fat clown shoes. We giggled looking at each other.

"Where did you guys get these costumes?" I ask.

"They are our backup costumes" says Niall.

I roll my eyes and we walk out.

"Haley and Lexi are in there go mob them!" I say smirking.

"You are horrible at an American accent!" Says Harry.

I swat his chest. I take of the heels once we step out of subway.


"Next time call Paul!" Says Niall putting his arm around Haley's shoulder.

"Not my fault!" I say.

Harry and Niall give me the 'Really?' Look. I giggle and take off my clothes and put on my tiger print shorts that I use for gymnastics.

Niall, Haley, Harry and I are in my room looking for a good movie while Niall gets the popcorn.

"This one!" I say holding up 'Project X'.

"Alright!" Shrugs Haley. We set up blankets on the floor and pillows.

Me and Harry take the bed while Haley and Ni take the floor.



We fall on my bed laughing. I put the music down a bit.

"It official-"


"No! It's official that we are idiots!" I say rolling my eyes.

"Oh" she says.

"Lets play monopoly!" Says Niall.

I grab my game board. Monopoly electronic. We sit on the floor and set it up.


"YOU CHEATED!" Says Haley.

"How can I cheat?" Asks Harry.


While Harry an Haley bicker I go down stairs to get some crisps and juice. There is knock on the door. Shit.

I put the stuff down and see Drew there with his hand in his pockets. I bite my lip.

"Hey." He says.

"Hi" I say.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm actually upstairs playing monopoly with Harry, Niall, and Haley want to join?" I ask.

"Sure." He says.

"Go upstairs I need to grab some snacks." I say.

I grab some juice and go upstairs. Harry is looking at me.

"Lex can I speak to you in private?" Asks Harry through his teeth.


"Sure." I say.

We walk to my living room.

"What is he doing here?!" He asks.

"I don't know! He just showed up and I didn't want to be rude!" I say.

"Please be nice? For me?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes and I give him a kiss on the cheek. We walk up in silence.

They are playing and Haley seems bored. Harry sits next to me. Too close.

"Game over I win!" Says Niall.

"How?" I ask.

"We counted your money and I have the most so I win!" He says.

"Game over!" Says Haley.

"Aren't you and Harry dating?" Asks Drew.

Harry and I look at each other.

"Yeah" he says wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Oh" he says.

"Yeah well I got to go its getting kinda late" says Niall.

"Yeah we are leaving see you tomorrow Lex!" Says Haley.

I wave and start to clean up.

"Babe I'll help" says Harry.

It's so awkward we aren't even dating.

I organize the money and Drew gets the houses while Harry gets the cards and the game bored.

"Well I have to go see you tomorrow Lexi" Drew smiles and leaves.

"No you won't" mutters Harry.

I giggled and slap his arm.

"I better go you should get some sleep" he says.

I nod.

"Night" I say.


I get in my bed and snuggle up. Tomorrow is the party and I'm pretty sure the boys will get drunk. Especially Harry Louis and Haley.


Lexi: NO WE AREN'T!! Harry was just lying!!!!!!

Haley: whatever! Night :)

Lexi: night :)

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