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Chapter Two

~Lexi's POV~

I walk to my locker and put my stuff in.

"Lexi!" Yelled Haley.

"Gosh you don't need to be loud!" I say smiling.

"Lets go!" She says dragging me to the auditorium.

Harry: Come back stage to meet the boys!

Lexi: okie dokie!

"I'll be right back" I say and walk "backstage".

"Lex!" Says Harry.

I walk over to him and meet the boys.

"I'm L-" I get cut off my Louis.

"We know Lexi Brooks the girl Harry has been talking non-stop about for the past two years."

Harry glares at him and I laugh.

"Well I hope they were good things." I say.

"Oh trust me, "I wish Lex was here!" Oh and, "I miss her so much!" And, "She's the bestest friend in the world!" And, "bye people I'm gonna go text Lexi now". Yeah he gossips about you all the time!" Says Zayn.

"I don't gossip I just missed her!" Says Harry.

I smiled.

"I'll be right back" says Harry.

I stood there awkwardly.

"Where's Harry?" Asks Niall while munching on crackers.

"Probably went to go text Ashley" said Liam.

"Ashley?" Asks Zayn.

"Yeah the girl Harry went on a date with last night? They're hitting it pretty good!" Said Liam.

I just stood there awkwardly. I walked back without them noticing me and went to Haley.

Harry's POV

Ashley: where are you at? x

Harry: a school about to perform x

Ashley: oh ok I'll text you later bye! x

Harry: bye

Me and Ashley have been hitting it off lately. I took her out to a movie last night and we then became a couple!


Lexi's POV

"You guys were great!" I say.

"Thanks!" Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn say.

"Where's Harry?" I ask.

"Over there texting" says Zayn.

I nod and walk over to him.

"Hey great show!" I say.

He's focused on his phone.

"Harry?" I ask.

"What?" He snaps.

He's never snapped at me before. I give him a confused look.

"Never mind" I say.

I walk back to the boys and get into a conversation with Louis.

"So how did you and Harry meet?" He asks.

"Well we pretty much knew each other our whole lives" I say.

He nods.

"Listen want to catch a movie tonight at 8:00?" He asks.

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