Sneaky Glances (Ian)

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You walked into the little store Ian currently works in, instantly stopping at the counter, seeing him staring off into space, making you chuckle.

You looked across the little store, already knowing who he was staring at.


This guy always comes in here and steals shit, pissing the owner off, resulting in Ian getting in trouble half the time.

But he was actually pretty bad ass. You couldn't say much really.

You steal whenever the chance presents itself.

It's rather fun!

But anyhow, you couldn't help but laugh at the look on Ian's face, making him shake his head, finally noticing you standing there, his eyes widening slightly.

"Oh... Hey (Y/N)..."

You just continued too grin, watching as Mickey came walking towards you guys, hiding your smile.

He looked at Ian, than you, a weird look on his face.

"What's so damn funny?"

You playfully patted Mickey's shoulder, grinning at Ian.

"Oh nothing. So uh... Hey Mick, you single?"

Ian's eyes almost fell to the floor, making you grin slightly, seeing Mickey staring at you, his face straight, before a little smirk formed on his lips.

"Maybe... Who's asking?"

You looked at Ian, before grinning, suddenly draping your arms around Mickeys neck, hearing Ian scoff from behind you.

Yup. He likes him. But he's so damn shy.

"Maybe me. Maybe someone else. Who's asking..?"

Mickey just stood there, staring at you, his hands suddenly grabbing your waist, hard, before smacking his lips on your cheek, making you both laugh.

"Haha. Nice one (Y/N). We're too much alike for that."

You sighed, a dramatic sigh, making Mickey roll his eyes.

He picked up a candy bar from the counter, opening it, almost stuffing the whole thing in his mouth, grinning at Ian before leaving the store, making you lose your shit.

Ian looked like he was gonna kill you at this point, which only made you laugh harder.

"I knew you liked him Gallagher... You'd be a great couple! Such cute babies..."

He rolled his eyes, a little smile forming on his lips, making you grin.

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