Being A Gallagher - Lip

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Philip here... I mean Lip of course, is seriously the coolest.

He doesn't judge me for my mistakes and he always seems to be there to get me out of whatever trouble I get myself into, even though I know it gets annoying at times.

When I was really bad I got in with this crazy crowd of people that basically was a gang. And they stole shit from anywhere they could. Didn't matter as long as they were stealing. They basically just did it to get their names out there, so people would fear them.

But me, I just loved the rush. The badassness of it. But now, I'm not near as bad. I'm getting my shit together. And Lip has really helped that.

Sure we both have our problems, but Lip is always there to help me.

He's so busy with college and stuff and it's amazing. I knew out of all of us kids that he would get somewhere. He's super fucking smart. He could outsmart us any day.

I've always told him he could accomplish so much but he never believed any of us low lives as people love to call us could get anywhere.

But he proved their stupid asses wrong. And now not only is he studying like a mofo, he still helps people out with their own work and he also internships for a guy or whatever the hell that weird professor calls it.

But I swear, even if he was halfway across the world, if I called he'd find a way here.

He's kicked people's asses that have caused me trouble. And when I came home one time, bruised up by the guy I thought would never do some shit like that to me, he instantly grabbed the Gallagher bat as I have nick named it, went over to his house and proceeded to smash in the windows of his house.

Point is... that Lip fucking Gallagher is one of the best guys in the world. And I don't care what he's done or what people say about him.

He's cool in my book.

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