Rehab (Lip)

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You stood with Lip as the you both watched the professor pull away from the curb as you softly wrapped your arm around Lip, seeing the broken look on his face as your heart seemed to break.

Lip is your best friend. Hell he's always been way more than that to you. And he's had so many problems lately that he's not wanted to burden you or anyone with.

When you found out he got kicked out of school and fired by professor Youens, you lost your shit on him for not telling you for one. And for losing everything he worked so hard for.

Lip is the smartest person you've ever met and he's always been destined to get out of this little damn hell hole of a neighborhood you've all been stuck in for what seems like fucking ages.

And he can still do that. And you know that. Out of all the Gallagher's, Lip is the one that will go the furthest. He's super fucking bright. And he's a really good guy. He's got passion for what he does.

He just... lost it. All the shit that happened with the lady professor and now everything that's brought him here, he was dealing with so much shit but he kept it to himself.

And that hurt you when you found out. He usually always tells you when something happens because he knows if he doesn't, he'll get his ass whooped.

And he just about did if he hadn't broke down crying in front of you. When you saw his tears slip, your heart shattered into so many pieces. You cried yourself from seeing how much pain he was in.

He just didn't want to bug anyone....

You softly smiled at Lip as he clutched you for dear life, kissing his cheek.

"Hey.... it'll be okay Lip. I promise. You're going to make it through this. You're a damn fighter Gallagher! Take rehab by the balls and conquer it."

He looked at you with his eyes glossy from tears, just as a little laugh escaped his lips, making you grin as he took you into his arms, hugging you so tight.

A tear slipped from your eyes as you hugged him back just as tight, rubbing his back softly.

"And I will be here every step of the way... The 30 days will pass by super fast. And you'll be okay..."

You both slowly pulled back from one another as he smiled a little at you, rubbing the tears from his eyes as he looked up at the building.

"Thanks (Y/N)...... for everything. I've been such an ass lately and I'm so sorry for that."

You waved him off as you looped your arm with his, smiling a tad as you walked with him towards the building, trying to keep him calm.

He's Lip fucking Gallagher. He can get through this.....

{Shameless Imagines}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora