Being A Gallagher - Ian

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Out of everyone, I'd have to say Ian and I get along the best.

Not only our we just a year apart but we seem to always have the same shit going for us.

Our crazy mother Monica has bipolar.... And well we sorta kinda got it as well. Sadly.

But what can you do?

But Ian seems to have it worse than I do. When he went under observation, it was the hardest thing I had to watch. Everytime I went and saw him he looked so sad and lost. One time I went I almost broke him out by stealing one of the weirdo guards keys.

But sadly they caught me. And Mickey had to drag me away because I was so pissed off.

But anyhow, he's actually doing much better now! He's studying to be a EMT and honestly, he'd be amazing at it. He already is from what I've heard. He actually saved someone from a burning car.

They would be stupid not to give Ian that job.

Ian is literally the best guy and always cares so much about people. He's one of the best friends you could ever have and he's always there if you need him.

I'd say I'm one lucky bitch....

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