Rebelling (Carl)

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For: whitejuliana1204 ❤️

"I'm leaving for school mom!"

You ran through the long hall leading to your front door, grabbing your bag as you went, just as your mom came walking out of the kitchen, making you stop in your tracks, sighing.

Once again, you couldn't get out of the house before she stopped you. Of course...

She sent you a little look, clearly annoyed at yet another attempt to get passed her. It never works.

"I really wish you would stop trying. It's not going to work. And another thing, you better be back home after school. No wondering around with that... Gallagher kid. He's not good for you."

You simply glared at her, practically throwing your bag over your shoulder.

"You don't have the first idea of what's good for me anymore. You never have... So just stop trying to run my life! Just because we have money doesn't mean we're any better than anyone."

You ran out the door before she could get another word in, making you sigh.

Just because you guys live in a mansion, she thinks she's better than everyone.

And the Gallagher's? She looks down on them. For everything. Which you can't stand.

Debbie is your best friend, and that's what lead you to Carl.

At first it was weird because he's the brother of your best friend. But then... he changed. And now, he doesn't care. At all.

He's made that perfectly clear.

Once you walked out the gates of your home, you saw a black car parked right outside them, making your eyes narrow.

Who the hell...?

Suddenly, the window rolled down, revealing Carl behind the wheel, your eyes going wide.

"Carl??? How...?"

He simply grinned, that cocky grin, laughing a little.

"I have my ways.... get in beautiful."

Oh geez... he's driving. Which will not be good. For you at least...

You slowly opened the door, throwing your bag into the back seat, when Carl suddenly sped down the road, making you squeal with surprise.

Then suddenly, you laughed, making him grin from the other seat, watching you closely.

"You enjoying yourself? Because you know I aim to please my girl..."

You looked at him just as he started running his hand up and down your leg, making you roll your eyes, playfully, a smile lighting up your face.

"How about we... skip school. I'm not feeling it today."

Carl looked at you, taken back by your response, before simply grinning.

"Damn... what's happened to you? Miss perfect."

You slapped his arm, making him laugh. You're just tired of always obeying the rules. It's time for things to change.

You smirked at him a little, the look on his face making you laugh slightly, when you slowly drug your hand up his leg, before landing on his happy area, making him just about run off the road.

"Woah woah baby! I'm driving...."

You unbuckled your seat belt, slowly crawling into his lap, straddling him, making him instantly stop in the middle of the road.

You put both of your hands on his face, softly smiling down at him.

"Look... Carl Gallagher, I've liked you from the moment I laid eyes on you. Of course I was scared at first for the simply fact that Debbie is my friend. But you know...? I don't care. I like you. A lot. And I want... I want to be with you. I don't care what anyone says. You've got me Gallagher..."

He smiled a little up at you, slowly wrapping his arms around your waist, when you kissed his cheek, making him laugh a little.

"Well that's a first. Most people can't stand me. Or just think I'm fucking weird. But you actually get it. You're pretty incredible for a rich girl."

You grinned a little, looking down at him.

You're done letting your bitchy mother tell you what to do with your life.

It's time for you to stand up for yourself. And this is the step in the right direction... The Gallagher's have always been like family to you. And they don't let your mother ruin it.

They like you. And you like them. It's perfect.

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