I'm Not Broken (Ian)

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You sighed as you and Ian just stood staring at one another, your heart racing from the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes, breaking your heart

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You sighed as you and Ian just stood staring at one another, your heart racing from the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes, breaking your heart.

"Ian...? Are the meds doing okay?"

He sighed as he ran his hand roughly through his hair, a tear instantly sliding from his eye.

"You too? My best friend is freaking the hell out over my meds now. Look, I'm taking them. Okay?! I'm fucking taking them."

You looked at him wide eyed as your tears fell as well, the stress from everything hitting you hard.

Ian has always been the sunshine in your life. And then the sunshine turned into the moon and it broke your heart.

"Okay! Sorry for worrying! Sorry for fucking worrying...."

Ian looked at you with such a pain filled look it almost made you burst, your heart seeming to race faster.

"I can't help this.... there's just too much wrong with me. And no one can change that. No one! Fiona keeps flipping out on me because of the meds. Mickey is always on my ass about them. And now you ask me and I feel like I'm.... I'm..."

He shook his head as he suddenly breathed in a deep breath, making you sigh slightly as a wave of sadness hit you hard.

"Woah. Calm down Ian. It's okay.... I promise. I'm not gonna shove this shit down your throat or anything. I just want you to know I'm here. I'm fucking here. All of us are. So please.... you know that."

Ian looked up at you with his reddened eyes, the blueness of them swimming in tears, seeing that he was trying to remain calm

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Ian looked up at you with his reddened eyes, the blueness of them swimming in tears, seeing that he was trying to remain calm.

"I can't..... I can't be fixed because I'm not broken. I'm me! Ian! The same Ian I've always been. And I just want everyone to understand this. I'm not some broken object you can just glue back together because I'm not even broken in the first place..."

You instantly folded him into your arms as you softly patted his back, his grip on you tightening as you softly smiled, wiping your tears away.

"I know Ian. I know....."

You both just stood there, wrapped in each other's arms as you both finally calmed down, your heart rate going back to normal.

No matter what, he'll get through this. He's Ian Gallagher after all, one of the strongest guys you know.....

{Shameless Imagines}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora