Girl Fun (Fiona & V)

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"You know.... you two are so much fun! I'm so glad I met you guys tonight."

V draped her arm around you, while Fiona grinned at you from beside you.

You met them mainly because of a guy that wouldn't stop fucking with you. So Kev, V's man, stepped in and kicked the guy out, making you so damn grateful.

You just moved to town about a week ago and didn't exactly feel like dealing with shit already. And the guys aren't leaving a very good impression.

V threw back her head in laughter at the look upon your face, making you smile slightly.

"Oh don't even worry. Kev won't let that dumbass back in here. Isn't that right babe?"

Kev sent a reassuring smile your way, making you smile, a thankful smile.

"This night as been pretty fucking awesome. It's literally my first night out in the town and I've already made two awesome friends, and got to see a guy get his ass whooped."

Fiona laughed from beside you, draping her arm around you as well, smiling over at V.

"Well V, I think our team just recruited a new member. She's too fucking cool to ditch."

V raised her glass, making you and Fiona both do the same, clinging your glass together, the liquor spilling out some onto you guys, making you laugh.

I think you made the right choice moving to Chicago.

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