Brotherly Love (Mickey)

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"Anyone home....? Gallagher's!!!"

You landed with a thud on their couch, throwing your school bag down on the floor, simply smiling as you heard foot steps coming down the stairs, seeing Ian bounding down them, buttoning up his shirt as he was going.

You laughed at the panic on his face. Him and your brother, Mickey, are meeting up for one of their sneak away things, and Ian always panics before them, resulting in him making you come over.

You jumped up from the couch, stopping him in his tracks, helping him button up the rest of the shirt, ruffling his hair a tad, seeing him relaxing a tad.

"Don't worry Ian. Mickey will just be glad to see you... it's okay. Breath!"

You softly patted his shoulder, making him smile a tad, before hugging you.

"Thanks. I'm sorry... again, for calling. I know it's annoying."

Just as he said that, Lip came bounding halfway down the stairs, making you stop what you were doing, both of you looking at one another.

You sent him a secret smile, resulting in him winking, making you grin.

You and Lip have been... 'seeing' one another for a while now. But it wouldn't sit so well with Mickey. Considering he's way too over protective over you.

And you'd rather Lip keep his face. And his body. Just everything. 

Ian looked at you funny, making you instantly look back at him, shaking your head, smiling softly.

"It's not a problem at all! You're my best friend after all."

He smiled a little, kissing your cheek, making you grin, watching as he walked away into the kitchen.

Hopefully the time will pass soon and he and Mickey will be gone for a while.

Even Ian doesn't know about you and Lip. You've wanted to tell him so badly, but don't want him upset either.

As soon as Ian disappeared from sight, Lip came running down the rest of the stairs, grabbing you by the waist, smashing his lips onto yours.

You softly moaned into the kiss, his fingers digging into your waist, making you moan even more.

He slowly pulled away, putting his hand softly over your mouth, putting his finger to his mouth, smiling a little, before leading you up the stairs, practically running into his bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

He looked at you grinning a little.

"Finally.... I've been waiting all day for that."

You smirked, just as you jumped on him, wrapping your arms around his neck, him catching you by the butt, before you both landed on the floor with a thud, you both laughing.

He flipped you both, hovering over you, a soft smile on his lips, before attaching his lips to your neck, softly sucking, making you moan, running your hands through his hair, your eyes softly closing.

He slowly pulled back, pulling you up a little, bringing your shirt over your head, making you grin up at him as he practically ripped his shirt off.

"(Y/N)! Dads freaking the fuck out because you aren't home right now...."

Suddenly, the bedroom door flung open, making you both jump at the sight of a very angry Mickey.

At first he just stood there, clenching his fists, before launching for Lip, making you scream, your face heating up.


Lip jumped up onto his bed, just as Mickey grabbed his foot, making him slip, falling off from the bed, making you gasp.

You ran over to Lip, seeing him laying on the floor, his nose bleeding, just as Ian came running into the room, his eyes wide with surprise.

You held Lips face in your hands, softly rubbing away the blood, before running your hand through his hair.

You looked up at Mickey, glaring at him.

"Mick! You can't just do this!!! Yes, I'm with Lip. And you can't... you can't just do this."

He looked down at you, huffing, his face red with anger, making you jump up, getting right in his face, taking him by surprise.

"So stop!! I've had enough. I'm done hiding it.... And I'm sorry I didn't tell you Ian. I wanted to. But I was scared..."

Ian looked at you, surprised as well, his eyes wide.

"Why would you be scared? I would never get mad at you... I don't care if you're with Lip. At least it's someone I already know."

You grinned, a thankful grin at him. At least someone is good...

You finally looked back at Mickey, seeing his whole face relaxing some, but still on guard.

He's freaking out so much... because you've been hurt before by another guy.

But Lip is nothing like him. He's not like him at all...

It took a lot for you to warm up to Lip that way. But once it got started, you couldn't stop.

"Please Mick... it's okay. Lip won't hurt me."

Mickey pulled back a little, looking down at Lip, shaking his head, before flinging his arms in the air in defeat, making you grin a little.

"Fine... fine!! Just... watch it Gallagher. Got it??"

He looked at Lip, sending him a warning look, making Ian hide his laugh behind him, making you grin.

Lip finally got up from the ground, sending him a thumbs up, making you wrap your arms softly around him, watching as Ian and Mickey left.

"Your brother... he's... something."

You laughed, a big laugh, softly kissing Lip, making him grin.

"That's an understatement."

You knew he only meant well. You're his little sister after all. Yes, he may be a hard ass. But he does have a heart. And he does care.

And you wouldn't want it any other way.

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