The Gallagher Way (Lip)

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"No way Lip! Just no...."

Lip turned his head towards you, a baseball bat in his hand, clearly pissed all to hell.

Your boyfriend had recently broken up with you over some bimbo he met at a bar. And honestly, you were glad to be free of him.

He wasn't exactly a good one. He was always gone somewhere. And he was abusive.

So when he said it was over, you jumped for joy, left his house and called Lip, told him what happened and he lost it.

"No! Look, that bastard deserves this. He hurt you for fuck sakes! That asshole didn't deserve you. Ever!"

You both came up on his house, seeing that he was actually home.

You instantly smirked, getting the best idea you've ever thought of.

His car is his baby... He loves it more than life itself. Oh whatever would he do without it...?

You looked at Lip, instantly taking the bat from him, making his eyes widen.

"We aren't leaving until I knock his fucking teeth out!"

You covered his mouth with your hand, smiling slightly.

"I've got something much better for the asshole. Don't worry. This will be worse than a beating to him..."

You slowly removed your hand, Lip sending you a funny look, making you laugh, just as you swung the bat as hard as you could, busting out the passenger side window, laughing your ass off, making Lip grin.

"Ah. Nice thinking."

You winked at him, busting out the back seat window, seeing Lip punch the hell out of the hood, actually leaving a dent.

"Nice one Gallagher! This is why you're my best man. You get me."

He winked at you, smirking, just as you busted out the back window, when the asshole himself came bounding out of his house, furious.

You laughed at how red his face was, just as you grabbed Lips hand, running down the street, grinning like a maniac.

"You bitch!!!!!"

You guys whirled around, sticking him the finger, before running again, laughing like crazy.

"Oh wow! Lip seriously, thank you. I needed that."

Once you were far enough away, you both stopped, Lip grinning at you.

"Not a problem. The asshole had it coming."

He looped his arm around your shoulders as you guys continued walking, you grinning at him.

And this is why he's your best friend....

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