Gangster (Mickey)

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"Mickey! Really?! A gun for this moron?"

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"Mickey! Really?! A gun for this moron?"

And of course, all you were met with was his look stating, I don't give a fuck, with the gun pointed right at the dumbass you used to call your boyfriend.

He was actually one of those typical dudes that said all that lovely dovey shit just to get in your pants. And then once he got what he wanted, he started pushing you away and basically abusing you and using you.

So you had enough one night and slapped the shit out of him, of course running to Mickey's after because the asshole thought it would be a good idea to chase you down.

And here you are now, Mickey meeting him at the door with a gun in his hands, pissed all to hell about one, this idiot actually having the balls to come after you.

And two, the many bruises littering your arms.

"You know man, I don't know what your fucking deal is, but I've got something for you. Come near her again, and I'll blow your head off. Got it?!"

Your idiot ex practically went flying down the stairs once he saw the crazed glint in Mickey's eyes, making you laugh for the first time all day.

"And this is why you're my main dude Mick."

He rolled his eyes with a little cocky smile coming to his lips, ruffling your hair slightly as he walked on past you.

{Shameless Imagines}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora