The Bells Are Ringing (Fiona)

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"Omg! Fi, you look beautiful...... the dress looks perfect on you."

Fiona did a little twirl as you and V looked on in wonder at her.

You couldn't help but tear up at the sight. Or just at the mere thought that she's getting married. And to such a great guy like Shawn.

The others she's been with haven't exactly been wonderful. But you knew from the minute she introduced you to Shawn that he would be it.

And now they're getting married. It's crazy!

You've been best friends with Fiona since you both were little. And you've been there for all the shit that's happened to her. And finally she's getting something good for a change. And nothing better fuck that up.

Like Frank. Sure, he may have helped pay for some things. But he's Frank. And usually anything that goes with the name Frank Gallagher ends in disaster.

Fiona teared up upon looking at you and V's faces, grinning the worlds biggest grin.

"It's happening guys... I can't believe it."

You grinned a huge grin at her as you all hugged each other, laughing at your tear streaked faces.

Fiona took one look at your face and laughed while happy tears rushed out.

"Please don't! Save the tears for the actual wedding okay? You'll make me cry more..."

You laughed as you wiped your eyes, grinning as you, Fiona and V started rambling on about random wedding things.

A Gallagher wedding spectacular! Now this should be entertaining...
Hey guys! :)

Who's ready for the finale tonight??

{Shameless Imagines}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora