Chapter One

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Sophie's POV:

Here I lay in the warmth of my bed, drenched in my own sweat like most nights. I stir in my sleep as the dream continues to play through my head.

"Sophie?" I turned around to watch my mom and dad who stare back at me. They wore upset expressions and it made me want to crawl under a rock and cry my eyes out. My mother is who the voice belonged to. She shook her head in disappointment, but her eyes never left me. "How could you choose to stay? Didn't you miss us?" She asked me.

Tears dwelled in my eyes. "Yes. Of course I do." I said in a trembling voice.

My mother shook her more furiously now. Tears slid down her cheeks. "Lies! You chose that troublemaker over your flesh and blood!" She shouted in a shaky voice.

No. . .

"That's not true, and you know it! I stayed because I thought it was the right decision! You would've said so yourself that it wasn't my time!"

"Why wouldn't I want my baby here with us? Don't you love us?"

By now, I was sobbing and was a trembling mess. She broke out into more tears and cried into my father's shoulder. He scolded at me for making her cry, but that was the last thing I wanted to do. They turned on their heels and started to walk away into a light.

"Wait! Don't go, please!" They continued to ignore my pleading calls and stepped into the light. What hurt the most was the fact that they didn't say goodbye.

My eyes shot open once it was over. I groaned as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. The sunlight shone through my curtains. It surprised me that I slept until morning. Usually, I'd have a bad nightmare and stay awake for three —maybe four hours before daylight.

I slid out of bed and trudged towards the bathroom. I still had school to attend and I didn't want to be running late yet again. In case you're wondering, no I don't attend Miami Beach High School anymore. I'm presumed to be dead there, and I don't want to have to walk in and explain to everyone what happened.

How I'm alive is something I like to keep under the gutter. I don't really like to talk about my near death experience.

I washed through my hair the pomegranate shampoo and sighed. The smell filled my noise and relaxed me a little bit. The music paused on my phone and vibrated. I stuck a hand out from behind the curtain and pulled my phone in. It was a text from my new friend, Ann. I don't consider her a best friend because no matter how many people I socialize with, none of them can pass Sarah. I wonder does she still think about me. . .

From: Ann
To: Me

Hurry up before I leave without you! X

My eyes widen as I check the time. Seven forty nine! I only just got in the shower! I quickly wash my body and jump out of the shower. I heard my front door being unlocked and I knew it was Ann and not an intruder. I gave her a key to my apartment after several weeks of being friends. I guess I can consider her a second best friend. . .

I threw on a black polo shirt and khaki shorts while trying to untangle my hair. I dyed it red to kind of change the way I looked before. My eyes aren't their natural brown color anymore, instead a dark emerald. My story was all over the news and Internet so I had to change my appearance to go unnoticed.

Ann was waiting by the small island table, tapping away on her phone. She looked up at me when I made my presence known. She smiled and asked if I was ready. I nod in response and followed her out the door with my bag slung over my shoulder.

Ann had light brown hair that reached passed her shoulders. Her eyes are a light brown color that matched her hair. She was about 5'5 and was a few months younger than me.

She unlocked her black Range Rover and tossed her bag in the back. I did the same and slid in the passenger seat. She turned on the ignition and pulled her car in drive.


Austin's POV:

I watched as Alex tackled Sarah in a bear hug. "Baby!" She squealed with a quick giggle. I scold to myself as they continued to be all cutesie and shit. I wanted what they had, but of course I can't.

I pull out of the parking lot of Sarah's high school and drove down the street. It was her birthday today and Alex asked me to pick her early from school so he could spend the day with her.

They started to make out in the back of my car and I stared in disgust. How could they be so happy while I'm so depressed? She was her best friend for fuck's sake! How could she be that happy? Did she not miss her?

I snort from up front. "You got some nerve, you know." I said coldly to her, glancing back for a second.

She gave me a questioning look. "What?" She asked stupidly.

"How you can be so glee when your suppose best friend is out there, breathing still." I spat.

She stared at me in disbelief before she switched to a more disgusted one. "Don't fuck with me, Austin. You know that's a tough subject for me."

"Oh don't act like Alex here didn't tell you that I saw her."

"He did and said that you were imagining things."

"I did not imagine her still being alive, Alex"

"Bro, we watched her get shot. She bleed a lot, you can't honestly tell me she made it."

"Both of you just shut the fuck up already!" Sarah shouted with a shaky voice. She broke out into tears that I'm guessing she kept in for a while now. "Austin, just fucking accept the fact that she's gone. Sophie's gone." She spit at me. Alex sent me a deathly glare as he tried to soothe Sarah. It didn't seem to work, she only cried harder as she kept mumbling Sophie's name.

Alex turned to look at me with a deep frown. "Thanks for ruining her birthday, Austin." He said before whispering soft things in her ear.

They honestly think this is easy on me. They think I'm not dying inside every time I think I see her? She haunts my dreams every night and God how I wish I could stay in it forever. She was everything to me and that fucking English prick had to shoot her. I turn my head to look out the window and I swear I saw Sophie in a black Range Rover. I shook my head in anger as the tears formed in my eyes.

I guess I didn't really see her. Sophie really is gone. . .


Hey guys! Here's the first chapter of the sequel! I feel like it's a bad chapter though, but that's my opinion.

So there would be returning characters in this story! And a couple of new ones, too!

So here's the cast list:
1. Austin – himself
2. Alex – himself
3. Zach – himself
4. Robert – himself
5. Sarah – herself
6. Whoever you want – Sophie
7. Nash Grier – Dan
8. Matthew Espinosa – Mark
9. Cameron Dallas – Jeremy
10. Austin Butler – Ben
11. One Direction – themselves
12. Zac Efron – Henry
13. Rami Malek – Josh

Hope you stick around for this sequel. I'm very excited to write it!

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