Chapter Sixteen.

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Not edited!

Sophie's POV:

My feet were beginning to hurt, but that didn't stop from continuing with my run. I don't know if they were still following me, but I didn't want to take any chances. I look back and notice that I'm no longer being followed.

Scratch that.

Sarah appears from a corner. She leans forward to catch her breath after taking a stop. Once she was done, she meet my eye. Hers were filled with confusion, sadness, anger, and of course, tears.

The feeling of something wet and small sliding down my cheek made me realize that I was crying too. My feet were glued to the ground—and how I wish they weren't. I desperately needed to get away from her and this situation Carter has put me in. Why did he lied to me? The bastard tricked me, to be more precise.

Without noticing it, Sarah was in no more than two feet away from me. Her lips part slightly as the words I dreaded to hear spilled out. "I thought you were dead. . ."

I gulp down some saliva and avoid her eyes. "Well, I'm not."

"Why?" She said low.

"I don't know why, I just–"

"No," she cut me off. I met her furious eyes. "Why didn't you contact me? Do you realize how depressed I've become ever since I saw you got shot? I thought I lost my best friend!" She yelled, voice beginning to tremble.

"I know, and I'm sorry! Okay? I was fucking confused of the whole situation myself when I found myself laying in a hospital bed. At first I thought you guys knew, but Henry later on told me you guys didn't! And when I did want to contact you, I saw on Instagram how happy you looked—how happy all of you looked in your photos. You guys moved on, and forgot about me." I paused to wipe away some of the stinging tears from my eyes. I finally met her eye and saw the look of guilt and pain. "So I made the decision to never try to contact you all, let you continue to believe that I was truly dead. I even made Henry promise to never tell you guys. That's when he decided to loose contact with you all, too."

Sarah remained quiet, taking in everything word I said. That's when Ann's black Range Rover pulled up beside us. Ann stepped down from the driver's side and walked around the car. I had given her directions to where I was, in case you're wondering.

Ann stood beside me while Sarah glanced at the both of us. Her face fell as she said, "I see you've replaced me."

Before I can say anything, like 'that's not true', she turned around and left.

I held back the tears for a few more seconds before letting the fresh ones spill. Without a word, I step around Ann and open the car door. Ann followed behind and got in. She gave me a look that said 'you have a lot of explaining to do'.

For now I leaned back into the cold, comfy seat of her Range Rover. I should've at least asked Ann to give Sarah a ride back, since it is a long way from Carter's place.

The car stopped, which made me look at Ann in a questioning manner. She hopped off and ran in front of her car towards Sarah, who still was trudging down the sidewalk. Ann stopped her from continuing on and said something to her that k couldn't quite catch.

Soon, her and Sarah were walking back towards the car. Ann opened the door and said, "I'm giving her a ride back." It's like she's read my inner thoughts.

I only nod and glance back at Sarah. She shrugged her shoulders and looked out the window.

Well, this is awkward.


I seem to be italicizing always at the end, lol. This is what I guess people usually call a filler chapter? I don't know, I'm not good with these things. Anyways, I don't know when I'll be able to update next, saying that I have a lot of homework to do.

Sorry for the long wait, and the wait for the next chapter, I truly am :(

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