Chapter Four

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Sophie's POV:

It was silent, in the classroom. No one, for the first time since the beginning of the year, made a peep. Usually, when we take a practice exam, everyone is either passing notes to one another, or whispering. Only different is, they never grade us for how we did on these practice exams. . .until today.

I scribble down the math problem onto a separate sheet of paper to solve it. We were testing on Algebra II on the computers, so we had to do the math on a separate sheet of paper.

Some students failed the test last year. Me and Henry failed because we weren't there to take it. So now we have to retake the class and tests.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I avert my eyes to the person next to me, which was Ann. She mouth 'what's number thirty seven?' I only shook my head and mouth back 'answer it yourself, you poop head.' I know, best insult ever.

She glared at me before attempting to solve it. To my left, I glance to the side to see Henry struggling with the same problem. I was way ahead of them, by ten problems. Mainly because I guessed on the ones I just couldn't find the answer to.

"You have ten minutes left to complete this session. Remember, once time is up, you must stop on whatever problem you are on and submit it when told." Ms. Hamilton said while walking around the computer lab with the exam book in her hand. Honestly, I don't know what they're called.

Suddenly, I was in a rush; just guessing from this far on. Without knowing it, the ten minutes have passed by and it was time to submit. The bell rang and everyone ran out the classroom. Me and Henry had physical education next and I was too exhausted to even run after that test.

"Shit, I didn't even get to finish." Henry said beside me.

"Well, you should've guessed. See yah!" Ann said and departed.

"I was too caught up in answering number thirty seven!" He shouted after her, but she turned down the hall already. "Fuck, I'm going to fail this." He muttered.

I threw an arm over him. "It's okay, Henry. At least you have the football game to look forward to. Remember? You're the star quarter back!" I reminded him, giving him a wide grin. The moment he told me about being chosen by our coach to be the quarter back, I was happy. After all he's been through, he really deserves it. Heck, I even got a good nights rest that night.

He grinned and threw an arm over my shoulder. "You're right. I almost forgot." We continued down to the halls, towards the gym.

I wonder who they're playing?

* * *

Austin's POV:

I rocked side to side in my chair as I await for AC to return with Sarah. It's seems that lately I've  only been hanging out with the couple. My guess is that it's because I want what they have. I could have what they have, but I choose not to. I don't want to be with any other girl in this cruel world that isn't Sophie.

I heard a car outside, hoping it was them. When I got up from the spinning chair and hurried over to the window, unfortunately, it was just the mailman delivering our mail. I sighed in discontent and went back to the chair, where my phone began to buzz. I lifted up from the chair and unlocked it.

To: Me
From: AC

Hey, man. I'm sorry, but I don't think me and Sarah can make it today. She's taking me to see her parents to celebrate her dad's birthday. Me and him are really tight. Maybe next time.

I guess he's not coming.

I stared down at my car keys that sat on the table. I debated whether or not, I should wait out by that girl's building. I caved in and snatched the keys, already out the door. Maybe I could call Dan or Mark to keep a watch out from the inside.

I drove down the familiar road to the building, arriving with ease from the lack of traffic. I put the car in park and send a quick text to Dan. I sit back and wait. My stomach growled loudly, begging for food. Thankfully, I remembered to leave a few snacks in the glove compartment. Only a bag of Cheetos was left from this week's steak out. I went to reach for it when I heard a car pulling in. I slumped down in the chair to avoid being seen. I watched carefully as the car parked and died down.

I almost gasped when I saw who it was. It was her, the girl. She wasn't alone. Out came a tall, muscular boy with styled up hair. The chip that hung halfway out of the glove compartment fell to the bottom of the car, just like my jaw.

They laughed all the way up the stairs and entered her apartment with ease, not even noticing the unusual car that's always parked in the parking lot. As the door shut, I sat still in my car, continuing my stares.

I snapped out of my trance and pulled out the light weighted phone. I text AC about the person's where abouts and waited impatiently for a response. As expected, I received one, only a little late, but got one nonetheless. I opened it up and read each and every word correctly, over and over again until it was fixated in my brain. I read it one last time, just to make sure.

From: AC
To: Me

Just asked Sarah if she knew anything. No, he doesn't go to her school anymore. Apparently, he got into a fight and got expelled.

So it was true. Henry Williams knows about Sophie.

Remember. (Sequel to LTFY)Where stories live. Discover now