Chapter Three

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Austin's POV:

I was in the middle of informing Zach and Robert on what I have discovered. Deep down inside I knew that girl was her. Zach told me to fuck off for inventing such a story and Robert, well. . .he sort of believes me. We made plans to stay outside Dan's and Mark's building for the night, to keep a look out for Sophie.

"Austin, are you insane? Stop trying to make other girls appear as Sophie. She's gone, man. Just accept it." Dan said through the phone. I had called Dan to inform him of my plan and so far, he just thinks I'm insane. I need an inside looker and he doesn't seem to want to corporate.

"I'm only asking you for this one favor. Please, Dan. It's really important and you know I don't beg." I said. Never have I ever begged someone to do me a favor.

I heard him sigh into the phone. "Fine. Only because you said please."

"Thanks, man." I thanked before hanging up.

My phone slipped from my hand and fell against the comforter. I jumped off my bed and went through my drawers for my car keys. There was a knock on my door, Robert's head popping in. He informed me that he was done, so I told him to wait downstairs for me. My keys jingled in the drawer and was soon in my hands. I shut it closed and grabbed my phone, shoving it in my baggy pockets.

I was out the door.

I took two steps at a time going down the stairs and met up with Robert by the kitchen. We left out through the back door and followed the path towards the front, where my car was parked in the driveway. With a click of a button, the car beeped twice and the sound of the car unlocking echoed through the air. I hopped into the driver's seat while Robert sat in the passenger seat. He spoke while we buckled our seat belts; the sound echoing in my ears.

"You sure this is a good idea? I mean, what if this isn't Sophie and she catches us parked outside the parking lot? She wouldn't hesitate to dial 911."

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. Why would she call the cops on us? Even if it wasn't her —which is unlikely —she wouldn't call because we could probably just be waiting for someone.

The lights flickered on in the apartment besides her and soon the door was swung opened, revealing a old man. He took caution steps over the floor, holding onto the railing with his dear life. He spotted our car and held up a phone-like shaped device. I rolled down my window to hear what he was yelling at us, since I couldn't read his lips very well.

"You two perverts get the hell out of here, or I'll call the cops! I have their number set already in my phone." He held it closer over the railing, shakily.

I didn't want to cause any trouble so I pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the street in pure anger.

I didn't get to see the girl.


Sophie's POV:

"You two perverts get the hell out of here, or I'll call the cops! I have their number set already in my phone." I heard Mr. Wilkins shout from outside. I only chuckled softly and focused back on my homework. He always has a problem with someone; always yelling across the railings. He may seem like an annoying man —which at times, he can be —but he really is a nice guy. His wife is sick and they have her staying in bed. There usually is a lot of noise around here and he has to yell for the people to quiet down because she can't sleep.

I was in the middle of reading chapter five in the new book we were reading, called Skinny, when my phone blared. It was a incoming call from an old friend of mines. I smiled and swiped to answer. I brought the cold device to my ear and greeted the person.


"Was this a bad time?" He said hesitantly.

I shook my head, forgetting he can't see me. "No, no. Was just doing homework. Is something wrong?" I asked.

He sighed into the phone before speaking again. "Not really. Just lonely. Are you reading chapter five?"


"Can you give me a summary about it? My book still hasn't arrived in the mail yet."

"Well that what happens when you order on EBay."

He laughed and soon I did so right after. "You would mention EBay." He laughed out.

"Of course. It's better to just pay the same amount at a garage sale. You could've told me you needed one, I could've boughten you one for a dollar. They had three copies!"

He fell silent, probably shaking his head while smiling. "Then can I come over? So I can get a chance to read it." He asked.


"Great! See you in twenty."

He hung up after we bid our goodbyes. As I waited, I decided to finish reading. Three pages later and I was done. I tossed the book onto my bed as I got off. I went into the small spaced bathroom to look for an elastic. It's been a while since I've actually pulled my hair into a bun or ponytail, or any hair style in general. I did a messy ponytail and exited out the bathroom.

What to do. . .

I entered the kitchen and went straight for the fridge. I grabbed myself a bottle of water and uncapped it. Bringing it to my lips and taking a huge gulp, cooling me down. Refreshed, I set it down and went through my cabinets. While I was searching for a box of crackers, my hand jabbed into the side of this small box.

"Ow!" I retracted my hand to my chest and caressed it with the other. Once the pain was some what gone, I glanced back at the box. Curiosity got the best of me and I found myself reaching forward for it. It felt light in my hands, the box. I set it down on the small dinning table and pulled myself a chair. There was no top securing it, which meant whatever's inside would be exposed. They were pictures.

I ran my fingers over a slightly dusty picture to remove the fresh coat. Now, the picture was more visible and caused my heart to ache. It was a picture of me and Sarah. We were standing in front of the school, posing for a picture. We both were smiling with our eyes closed, our arms thrown over each other's shoulders.

I wiped away the fresh tears that I hadn't notice were running down my cheeks. I flinched at the sound of the door being knocked. He was here. I wiped another tear and carried the box in my hand, hiding it in the cabinet once again.

I stalked over to the door and unlocked it. Smiling, I opened the door fully to reveal whoever was at the door, knowing who it precisely was.

"Hey Sophie." He greeted with a grin.

I grinned back.

"Hey." I greeted while opening the door further for him to come in. He did so, walking over to the bed. He threw himself onto it and proceeded to open the book. I headed into the kitchen, in thought.

This was the only one person who knew I was still alive. This was the one person who lend me a shoulder to cry on when I felt low and had bad nightmares. This was the one person who understood what I was going through; knew how I felt. This person is the only one I trusted with my secret and know who won't tell a soul.

This person, is Henry Williams.

Remember. (Sequel to LTFY)Where stories live. Discover now