Chapter Two

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Sophie's POV:

All eyes were on the board as Mr. Till wrote the bell ringer for the day. It was the end of the day by now, which meant this is our final class for the day. I must admit, English three has got to be my favorite class. It's the time of day when teachers stop caring, really and allow you to do whatever you want. For example, today Mr. Till said to at least complete the bell ringer and then the rest of the period is ours.

I finished in a heart beat and instantly pulled out my phone. I texted Ann to see how she was doing and then went on Instagram. I've made a new account not too long ago —only because Ann insisted I made one. I like a few posts from a few followers, commenting on a few.

However, my eyes stopped on a recently posted picture from someone I haven't seen in so long.

*picture attachment*

Finally 17!!! Look at his face, isn't it just adorable!

My heart ached. Today was Sarah's seventeenth birthday and I can't even visit her. But what hurts the most is how her and Alex, who was the one in the photo doing a kissy face with his eyes squeezed shut, can be so happy. Aren't they suppose to think I'm dead? Did they even miss me at least a little bit?

I go from sad to angry in moments. Guess this goes to show who're the ones who really care. I couldn't stop myself from commenting on her photo, but it was like my body was acting on its own terms.

Pizzaalltheway_1; Guess you really didn't care about much for calling you my best friend.

I haven't really posted any pictures of myself or added any information about myself on there. I usually just go on when I have nothing better to do.

The bell rang and Ann texted me back. She said to meet her by her car. I sling my bag over my shoulder and stalk out the classroom, towards the parking lot. Surely enough, there she was waiting for me. I wave over to her and starting walking towards the big, black ranger rover.


Austin's POV:

Music surrounded us. People were dancing against each other along to the beat as others jumped into the pool. Sarah was throwing a party in her honor to celebrate her birthday. I found it pointless to throw a party if she was just going to be with AC all day in her room. I was sat on one of her couches with the other boys. Zach, Mark and me sat on a couch while Dan, Jeremy, and Robert occupied the other.

Henry isn't here because—well, actually. I don't know. He stopped hanging out with us. We lost connection with him, which annoyed me. We try to be friends with him and decides to ignore us? Fucker.

Zach offered me a drink and I declined. I wasn't in the mood to get wasted in front of almost all of Miami Beach High School. This just wasn't my scene anymore.

"Come on, Austin. Let loose a little." Zach tried convincing, but I only shook my head stubbornly. He sighed and took a swig of beer.

"Austin, you need to let her go." Mark said.

Everything stopped in the room. What did he just say? "What did you just say?" I speak my thoughts.

"Look, man. I'm only saying this because you're really depressed and I think it's best if –"

"What you think doesn't fucking matter to me, you asshole!" I cut him off. I shot up from my spot on the couch and took two large steps towards Mark and clench my fists. "What makes you think me letting her go will resolve anything, huh?!" I barked at him. He was terrified. Good, he deserves it. I point my finger harshly onto the side of his head, "Get it through that tiny ass brain of yours that nothing will make me forget her." I backed away from him and pushed through the newly formed crowd.

I found my way towards my car and hopped on. No way in hell was I going to stay here. The car roared as it came to life. I pulled out the drive way and drove down the semi dark streets. My mind wandered off to Sophie; how happy we could've been together if she were still here. I imagine us in bed, all cuddled up while watching a movie on Netflix.

Her head would be buried in my chest while I keep pressing kisses to her temple, which would cause her to smile widely up at me.

God, why can't I have that? Why did they have to fucking shoot her, instead of me? Now I'm left with just a beating heart that only beats blood through my system, not love. My emotion part of the brain is permanently un-functional.

A McDonald's sign came into my view and I thought about stopping and ordering myself a sundae through the drive through. I went behind a black Ranger Rover and leaned back in my seat. Their windows seem to be darkened up, so I can hardly see inside. I could make out two silhouettes of two girls. One of them stuck their head out to order.

She had light brown hair that fell over her face. She pushed it back with her hand and spoke into the speaker. Once they were done, they moved ahead to the window where you pay. I drove next to the ordering station and rolled down my window.

"Hello, welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?"

"Uh, yeah. Can I get a fudge sundae?"

It was quiet for a moment as my order appeared on the screen under the speaker.

"Anything else?"

"No, that's all."

"Okay, your order would be ready for you in the last window."

"Great." I mumbled to myself as I drove up to the window where you pay. I payed the amount I had to and moved behind the black ranger rover again. The one driving the car shine light inside, probably to look for something. My heart stopped. "What the," my eyes casted over on the girl in the passenger seat.

The driver stuck her hand out to retrieve their order and drove off. Curiosity got the best of me and suddenly I was in a rush to get my order already. I snatched my sundae from the man's hand and sped out the drive through.

I spotted the car exiting out the parking lot and I smiled to myself. I followed behind the whole time, careful not to loose them.

They pulled inside a parking lot —the same one where we had picked up Dan and Mark. The girls got out of the car, laughing at what one of them had said. I watched as they went up the stairs and into the first door by the railing.

I sat in my car in complete and utter shock.

I just have this feeling that that girl is my girl.

Remember. (Sequel to LTFY)Where stories live. Discover now