Chapter Twenty Five

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Sophie's POV:

My breathing was loud and rigid, and my body was trembling from the cold water running down my body, and from fear. Never, after all that time spent being kidnapped--both times--have I been this scared.

Not even when Carter pointed that gun at me when we first met.


It's actually the first time I've thought of him since we were kidnapped. Does he know that I'm gone? Has he gone searching for Me? And Henry? And Ann? Has he called up a search party?

My thoughts were cut short by the loud thunder still booming in the dark grey clouds. The rain grew harder, making it harder to see where we were going.



For a split second we stopped, unsure of where it came from, in what direction.


This time, the shot was louder than before. I avert my wide eyes to Henry for our next move. Henry glanced over quickly into the distance. He jumped and grabbed mines and Ann's wrists, saying, "come on."

He lead us through. Leaves were flying behind us as we ran through. The wind swishing against and by us was splashing water into our faces.

We were soaked.

Finally, I was able to see what he was talking about. Up ahead, there was a bridge--and far ahead of that was what looked like a road.

We quicken our pace, Henry never letting go of us.

I was so caught up in crossing the bridge, that I didn't notice the small hole in the side. And just like that, I was late in stepping over it, instead I stepped into it and tripped.

I squealed and collided against the wet wood of the bridge. "Sophie!" Both Ann and Henry called.

I heard a creaking noise surrounding me, growing louder when they came closer. "No don't!" I warned, stopping them in their tracks. "Don't get any closer! Or the whole thing will collapse into the water!"

"But, he's coming!" Ann shouted. "We can't leave you h-"

"He's after me, not you two! I can handle him, I've been through this before-"

"Sophie! Yoo-hoo!" We all turned towards the voice that which belonged to Josh.

We couldn't see him, but we knew damn well that he was really near.

I turned my focus back on Henry and Ann, opening my mouth to speak. "Go! Now! I can handle this!" I demanded, trying to stay still as possible. If I move, the area in which I'm in would break.

Before any of them could protest, Josh appeared, aiming his gun at them. "Listen to the girl. Or I will shoot."

I looked at Josh with angered eyes. Before I knew it he was in front of me, pointing the gun down at me. "Well. That was very big of you to let your friends go like that. To leave you alone with me." He began to circle around me.

"No, wait-"

The area I was in collapsed and down we fell into the water. And all I could hear were gun shots.

Ann's POV:

Henry's grip on my hand left it feeling numb. I heard gun shots, making my whole body drop. "Sophie!" I tried turning back, but Henry tugged at my arm.

"No, Ann-"

"We have to go back!" I sobbed, the image of blood pouring out of gun wounds sent chills throughout my body. "She could be hurt!"

Henry groaned and ran his hands through his wet hair. They fell to his side after a few seconds of thinking. Henry sighed, grabbing me by my upper arms. "Keep going--And don't look back. I'm going back for her."

Henry let me go and ran passed me, towards the direction in which we had come from. "Keep going, okay? And if you see a car, stop it!"

I only nodded and ran towards the road, which was clear in my view. My feet carried me as fast as they could, but they failed. I landed into the wet cement of the road.

"Fuck," I winced, dragging out the 'u'.

I rolled up the leg of my pant to see how bad was the wound. Blood streamed down my knee, making me feel a little woozy. I don't really like the sight of a lot of blood.

Lights shone on me, making me looking directly at it. It blinded me for a moment, but I was able to see the car driving straight towards me. I screamed and rolled out of the way.

The tires screeched against the pavement, ringing in my ear. I was crying more than I was before. "H-Help." I weakly called.

Out came a group of men--one of them catching my eye from recognition. It was the guy from the movies that wouldn't stop looking at me. "H-Help." I repeated.

He came towards me and kneeled down in front of me. "Are you alright?" He asked in such a worried tone.


Another one stepped forward, a scared and worried look on his face. "Where is she?" He asked.

I didn't respond, only sobbed harder. The guy took off his coat and threw it over me. "You're freezing."

The other guy pushed him out of the way and grabbed me by the shoulders. "Sophie. Where is she?" He pressed.

With a shaky hand, I point towards the woods. The bridge was slightly visible, and from here I could see three figures moving.

The guy let go of my shoulders, knocking down, and ran into the woods.

"I'm coming Sophie!"


Hello! I'm sorry for the long wait. I was having trouble thinking of what to write. I wrote this chapter 3 times, and I'm satisfied with this version of it. I hope you all do, as well. So 'Remember' is coming to an end. The next chapter would be the last, and then the epilogue. Hopefully, I won't get stuck again. Sorry of this chapter is short.

Remember. (Sequel to LTFY)Where stories live. Discover now