Chapter Twenty Four

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Austin's POV:

Thunder erupted in the sky just as Ben had said those words. I began to breath faster and my heart was beating rapidly, ready to burst through my ribcage. Ben's words kept repeating over and over in my mind, like a broken record player.

To kill Sophie.

To kill Sophie.

To kill Sophie.

To. Kill. Sophie.

I felt my body begin to shake out of rage and anxiousness. My legs shot up and kicked Ben's desk forward--trapping him between the desk and the wall.

More thunder. And more rain.

"You were going to kill my Sophie?!" I growled. By the fear in his face, I can tell he was terrified. "You monster!" I knocked off everything from his desk.

I wanted to kill him. Right then and there, but I knew that would a mistake in my part. I need him to help me track the son of a bitch that thought he could get away with murdering my girl.

"Carter, calm the fuck down, okay!" Ben shouted at me. He managed to push the desk away from him and stood up. "I was a dumb son of bitch a year ago who was in pain! And the only way to try and make the pain go away for at least a few hours or so was to hurt others!" His eyes let the tears he was holding back.

"My mom and sister abandoned me in our house with that monster I once called daddy! For fucks sakes, I was eleven and shot my father in the head! That's how fucked up my childhood was!"

I stared at him with an ounce of sympathy. My phone vibrated on the floor with the rest of the things I had thrown. I bent down and picked it up.

When I unlocked it, I saw it was another message from the unknown number.

From: Unknown
To: Me

Time's a'ticking, pretty boy.

I growled down at my phone and was just about ready to throw it against the wall, when Ben took it from me. "Let me see that number again." He examined the text and number. "I've seen it before. . ."

He bent down to retrieve his phone, which had a newly formed crack. Ben glared up at me. "Look what you fucking did!"

"A crack on your phone is the least of my worries. Now, check for the number."

Ben shot me one last glare before glancing down at his cracked screen and typing in his passcode. The rain grew harder, pounding against the window. I heard Ben's breath hitch. "What?" I pressed, hovering over him.

He looked up at me with shocked filled eyes. "I-It's one of my old member's number. But it can't be," Ben stood up from his crouched position and paced scurried around his desk. He pulled open his drawer and brought out a gun.

My hand shot towards the back of my jeans, where my gun was hidden. "Don't you try anything, I'm armed." I warned.

"What?" He looked down at his gun then scoffed. "This isn't for you, dipshit."

I gave him a cold glare. Ben added bullets to his gun. "Then what aren you doing?"

"I think I know who took Sophie. And if I'm correct," he glanced down at his watch. "We only have an hour before Sophie and her friends are killed."

My blood froze.

An hour?

Ben ran passed me and went out through his door. I followed behind him down the stairs, where he stopped in front of Louis and Niall.

"We have to go--now." Ben rushed, going towards a rack that hung by the front door. Keys dangled from it, and were yanked by Ben.

"What's going on?" Liam asked.

"Where are we going?" Zayn added.

Ben tossed his keys to Harry. "I know where Sophie and her friends are."

"Who?! Who took her?!" I blurted, feeling anxious.

Ben glanced over at the guys, then at me.

"Josh has her."


Sophie's POV:

Slowly, Henry, Ann, and I climbed down the water railing. Rain poured down on us, making things a bit harder. I heard a creaking nose coming from the railing, worrying me.

It was pouring outside. Thunder boomed in the sky, scaring us all. "Girls, don't scream! Or he'll hear us!" Henry shouted over the rain.

I glanced down below, and saw we didn't have much left to climb down. Soon, Henry was helping us down. We glanced around the back yard and notice there was a forest behind Josh's house.

"In there!" I yelled. We opened the wooden gate and threw it shut behind us.

We ran a little bit in the forest when we heard his voice. "Those son of a bitches!" The gate was thrown open. "Where are you?!" Josh growled.

He had a gun in his hand.

From all the way here, his face looked extremely scary. Josh began to quickly walk into the forest. Henry grabbed me and Ann's hand and guided us towards a large tree. We his hid behind it's large trunk.

"Oh, Sophie!" Josh called, getting near. Tears began to form in my eyes as leaves crunched under each footstep he took. "When I find you, you're the first to go!" He began to laugh, just in time with the thunder.

We moved around the tree trunk when he got nearer. "I'll tear your limbs off, one by one. And I'll keep you  alive so you can feel the pain more! How does that sound, Sophie?" Josh shouted. "Huh! Does it make you scared?"

Please let lightning struck him.

"Argh, you fucking pieces of shits, come out!" He growled. He was near, telling by how loud his voice was becoming. Josh groaned. "Come on, guys! Don't you want to have fun?"

We remained silent. Ann looked about ready to give up; so was I, when Josh spoke again. "Tell you what! Lets play a game of hide and go seek! I'll count to twenty while you go hide--but if I find you, I get to shoot a bullet through your skull!" He giggled, getting closer. "Doesn't that sound like fun?"

When he didn't receive an answer, he sighed. "Guess I'll start counting. One," he began to count.

I glanced over at Henry and Ann with wide eyes. Theirs matched mines. Henry grabbed my hand and Ann's and guided us deeper into the forest.

When we were far enough, I still heard his voice.

"Twenty. Ready or not, here I come."

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