Chapter Twenty Two

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Sophie's POV:


My head shot up from its hanging position. I glance towards the small window above where we hung. A sudden light shone through and another loud boom exploded my ear drums.

It was a storm.

Rain pattered against the window with great force. "S-Sophie?" Ann called, bringing my attention to the broken girl that hung beside Henry. Her head was leaned a bit back to get a better view of me.

"Yeah?" I responded, tired. My arms and legs hurt like hell and draining me of my energy.

"Are we going to die?"

Those words. Those five words that came out of Ann's mouth made me break down into tears.

We were mostly going to. Josh really had his heart set on killing us--especially me. I shook my head and sobbed more. This was too much to handle. Just a year ago, I was in the same position. Only a year ago, I had lost my parents and only had Henry by my side. I was raped by his older brother, which I still have not told Henry about.

Fred was a terrible human being, Henry already knew that. But, he was his brother, his family. His parents were gone and had no one left but Fred. Then he lost him too. I didn't want Henry to feel more like shit.

The rain grew harder, so did the thunder. This storm matched my emotions right now. All of ours.

The door was thrown open and there stood Josh, smirking. "Ah, I see there's a storm going on." He took slow steps down the stairs. "Must be scary. Being down here, in the dark with all that lightning and thundering going on."

"Go to hell," Henry spat at him.

Josh let a low growl and continued to go down the steps, only a bit more faster. He reached the bottom step and took a seat on the one above it. "You know what I think?" Josh began,  but was cut off by Henry.

"Fuck you!"

Josh looked about ready to pounce him, but kept his cool. "I think we should get to know one another. With this storm going and on, I think it's the best opportunity."

"We don't want to know anything else about you, we know just enough to hate you." I hissed.

"I'm not talking about me, you dumb bitch." He growled. Lightning flashed, eluminating his eyes. They were dark. "Besides, I already know all there is to know about you." He smirked.

I felt my heart slowly sink down my chest. "W-What do you mean?"

He laughed dryly and stood up from the step, and took a few steps closer to me. "If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm the one who posted that tweet."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What tweet?" I feel like I know what he is implying, but I need to hear it from him.

"Open your eyes, Sophie! I'm the one who revealed to everyone about who you are. Your parents being killed, you being kidnapped, everything!" Josh shouted, smiling creepily at me. He then threw his head back and laughed as I cried. Thunder boomed, echoing throughout the room.

"Y-You posted it?" Ann finally spoke, her voice broken. I avert my eyes over to Ann, instantly feeling regret. How could I've been so naive? She didn't even know anything about my past, and yet I still blamed her. The mixture of blue, green, and purple bruise on her right cheek is the reminder of my mistake and stupidity.


Josh chuckled and turned around towards the table. He picked up a syringe and inserted it into the little bottle of liquid. Once it was full, he came back towards us.

Josh went to me and pressed my head sideways down against the wall. And he was harsh about it.

I waited for the needle to insert into my vein.

But it never happened.

Thunder and lightning struck and the next thing I knew, Henry was wrestling Josh on the ground.

"Henry!" Both me and Ann shouted. Josh had him pinned down against the ground. He threw punches at his face, which brought tears to my eyes.

Henry was going to die.

I thanked God once I saw Henry throw a punch at Josh's jaw. A cracking noise was heard, and I am definitely sure it was Josh's jaw. Blood spilled out from his mouth.

While he was distracted, Henry brought his fist to his forehead, knocking Josh out. Not sure for how long.

Our heavy breathing was the only thing heard, besides the thunder and rain. Henry didn't hesitate to grab the key from Josh's pocket.

Wincing, Henry got up and limped over to us. He unlocked out chains and helped us down.

The room was dark, due to still no light. It was hard to find the stairs, but we managed up the dark steps.

Just when we've reached the top, we hear Josh's dark laughter.

"Where do you think you're going?"


Cliffhanger! Lol.

Anyways, I hoped all this made sense. I guess this is called a filler chapter. Hopefully, the next chapter will be much longer.

Did you hear? No school tomorrow or Friday! But, that means no Wi-Fi because of the hurricane :( so I won't be able to post tomorrow or Friday. Maybe Saturday I'll be able to.

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