Chapter Seventeen

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Sophie's POV:

Music played Kids In The Dark lowly as we all continued to remain silent. I glanced to my side at Ann. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders, stopping a little over her chest. Occasionally, she would pass her hand through her hair to push it out of the way.

Next, I glanced at Sarah through the rear view mirror. She was slumped in her spot on the car seats, facing the left side window. Her blonde hair was pulled in a tight bun, showing off her face more. Her eyebrows were pulled together as she watched the outside move quickly while we drive.

Sarah turned her head and met my gaze. She frowned at me while her eyes just filled with sadness.

At last we pulled up in Carter's drive way, where all the guys stood with agitated looks. When Sarah came out and slammed the door is when they all turned in our direction. Carter and I made eye contact, which instantly made me look away.

Much to my satisfactory, a loud bang sounded beside me, causing to knock my head against the roof of the car. Obviously, I would much rather not face him; especially after my reaction. But, I wound up turning my head and, once again, met Carter's hazel eyes.

"Sophie. . ." He began, but paused. It was quite hard to hear him, but I still made out what he was saying. "Y-You lied to me." He said, low.

I rolled down the window and breath in some air. "I'm sorry. But, what did you expect me to do? 'Oh, hey guys. Sorry to interrupt your fantastic time, but guess what? I'm alive! I somehow made it through, even after losing tons of blood! Did yah miss me?' Yeah, I didn't think so."

Carter remained silent and continued to stare at me. "We weren't having a fantastic time, Sophie! If anything, everyone was sad while I was extremely depressed! Even Sarah here was depressed for a while!" He gestured over to Sarah who had tears pricking in her eyes and leaned further into Alex's arms.

I look over at Ann and she looked even more confused than she did before when picking me and Sarah up in her car. Now, I would have to explain even more things to her.

"Sophie? What the actual fuck is going on? Have you been lying to me?" Ann's voice sounded low and mortified.

"What! No I have n-"

"I don't have time for being bullshitted, Sophie. Either you tell me the truth or I'm leaving and never speaking to you again." Sternly, Ann spoke. Her eyes had darken a little and I could tell she was really pissed and hurt over the situation.

"Hey, don't talk to her like that! She doesn't have to tell you shit. It's none of your business anyways." Carter defended, sending Ann a glare.

Ann turned to me and raised a brow. I remained quiet, facing down at the floor. "Get out." She demanded.

I wasn't up for anymore conflict, so I did what I was told and slid out of the seat, landing on my feet. The minute I shut the door, Ann took off down the street.

Tears dwelled in my eyes as I turned around to face the group of guys, and Sarah. They all sent me disapproving looks and distasteful ones, which made me want to crawl under a rock.

A hand pressed over my left shoulder, and already knowing it was Carter, I placed mines over it. I really needed the comfort.

I shut my eyes amd let the tears spill. I just lost Ann as a friend. We were already not on I'm good terms and now this? Can't I not catch a break?

Henry is going to kill me once he finds out about our fight. He's really protective over the both of us, like we were his sisters. He's also going to be angry at the fact that Carter knows it's me.

Oh God, I feel the grey hairs from stress forming in my hair.

Carter gave my shoulder a light squeeze. "Do you want to stay here for a while, or would you rather want to go home?" He asked in a caring tone.

I weakly smiled up at him and asked to go home. I really need a shower and sleep. This is too much for one day for a girl like me.


I am so sorry I took so long to update, but I was having writers block. There is no other excuse. So, if it's possible, maybe on Saturday I'll update. For now, I leave you with this.

And please bare with me, if it's bad and quite short.

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