Chapter Ten

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–Important A/N at the end!!!–

Sophie's POV:

I couldn't move my body. It was like I stepped into freezing cold water and now my whole body just got numb. I watched as they laughed at probably something one of them had said. Finally, I could move my arms again and instantly grip onto Henry for support, because I was about to faint from anxiety.

Henry eyebrows creased as he watched me with concern and confusion. "Sophie? What's wrong?" He asked, drawing Ann and Josh's attention.

I couldn't utter a word, only stand there with my eyes wide open. "I-I," I start, but felt like I was choking on my own words. "Hen-Henry–"

"What? What is it, Soph?"

I know I won't be able to say it out loud, mainly because Ann and Josh would be questioning why four people standing only a few feet away from us are making me go crazy. Plus, they're within listening distance.

With my shaky right hand, I gesture for Henry to come closer. I'll just whisper it to him in his ear. He lowered his head to my face and twist it to the side, giving me his left ear. "It's them—they're here!" I whisper-yelled into his ear.

Bewilderment covered his face. "What?"

"Them, Henry! Look," I point a shaky finger in the direction of the four who stood there. They moved up two spots, so did everyone else. Henry's eyes widen once they landed on them. He lowered his head again to face me. Fear and worry was in his eyes. "They can't see us!" I whispered to him.

"Why?" Josh and Ann watched us with curious eyes.

Me and Henry looked at each other before facing them again. "No reason! Uh,"

"Maybe they're not going to the same room as us?" Henry said, cutting me off.

I gulp. "I hope so."

"Guys! What's going on?" Ann blurts out, causing a few heads to turn our way. Thankfully, they didn't. They were already paying for their snacks.

"Nothing! We just. . .know these people who we don't really want to see now," I tell them in a low voice.

Josh and Ann turn their heads in the direction of where the four walked. A sigh of relief escapes my lips when I see the four of them heading towards the direction in which 'Finding Dory' was being played in.

I don't know what I would've done if Dan, Mark, Alex, and Sarah had sawn us. . .


We got our snacks and walk over to where we hand in our tickets, getting them back after. One by one, we enter the dark room, already commercials rolling. I sat by the end of the row in the middle. Henry sat by me, then Ann, then Josh.

I stuffed my hand into the warm bag of popcorn, scooping a handful. Soon, the room was filled with more people—mostly students.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I heard Josh apologize, but to who, I don't know. I leaned forward to get a better view and saw it was him speaking to Ann.

"It's okay." She said, avoiding his eyes. But, they weren't on her, they were on me.


Thank god she's not looking, or she'll be hurt even more.

Finally, the movie started playing. Josh asks for me to pass the popcorn, so I hand it to Henry. He passes it down to Ann, then looks at me with a smile. I return the gesture, then focus on the screen. Down below I heard voices, causing me and everyone else to shush them.

"Niall, Louis! You're being too loud!" I heard a very familiar voice say. I could practically see the annoyance in his face.

I leaned to my side to whisper to Henry. "Henry?" Like before, my voice was filled with worry.

"Yeah?" He said. His eyes were still focused on the screen.

"Look down there," I point down to the third row, where I could see the five men who I despised and didn't want to see at the moment, although I know they went through what I went through.

Henry followed my finger and held his breath once he saw who I was pointing at. "For Christ sake, are we being followed?" He whisper-yelled. A couple that sat in front of us shushed us, causing the five down below to look up.

I made eye contact with one of them. Liam.

"Crap." I muttered.


You must be wondering 'why is she updating frequently now?' Well, it's because everyday I'm going to be publishing a new chapter, before school starts. It'll be like 'Learn to Forget you', but maybe shorter? Or exactly the same. After this and the other story, I won't be writing on wattpad for a while. I'll be taking a break from writing and just enjoy reading on here. I haven't really been reading as much, so I plan on changing that.

I hope you understand my decision.

Well anyways, don't forget to vote and comment!


Btw, if you haven't done so yet, check out 'The Cabin In The Woods' Austin and Alex are featured in it, and 1D/5sos!!!!

Okay, bye!!!!

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