Chapter Twenty One

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Sophie's POV:

Josh pressed my head down against the wall while he tried to insert the needle into my vein. "No," I muffled. I shook my head to try and loose his focus.

He growled. "Stop moving, you little bitch!" He spat, slapping me across the face. Finally, he inserted it--the drugs flowing through my veins. I grew woosey again and dropped my head low.

Josh backed away from me and walked next to Henry. He pulled out the same key he has shown us and inserted it in the lock for Henry's chains. Henry fell flat to the ground once he was free and attempted to get up. Josh laughed and brought his leg back. He swung it forward, hitting Henry in the nose.

Henry couldn't fight back; he had been dosed up before me, making him move effortlessly.

Josh hovered over him and reached down for the cloth that still wrapped around his jaw. He pulled it down to his neck. Henry inhaled a long and loud breath of air. He rolled on his side to face me and Ann.

I just cried as I stared into his dosey eyes. He looked about tired; So did me I, probably.

Ann was knocked out cold. Josh must've given her a larger dose than us. He stared at her with hungry eyes.

That bastard.

"I see little Ann couldn't take the extra dose." He smirked at her unconscious body. "Too bad. It's not the same with just the two of you awake." He grinned evilly.

"You asshole," Henry mumbled, swinging his arm up in the arm, but only managed to smack Josh's leg softly. His arm dropped to his chest. "Why are you doing this?" He whispered, I almost didn't hear him.

Josh smirked over at me.

"Maybe before I tell you my reasoning, I should tell you my story, eh?"

None of us answered. He took that as a yes and went on.

"When I was a little boy, I lived with my mom in New Jersey. I lived a pretty happy life; had a home, got whatever I wanted. Guess you can say I was a spoiled child.

"Years passed by and I had turned sixteen then. But, things weren't as happy as they were when I was little. My mom started doing drugs. I got into it myself, but it wasn't as bad as her." Tears began to dwell in his eyes.

"One day, she injected too much of the drug into her arm and went crazy. She destroyed everything in our house--even beat the crap out of me. Just before throwing a chair at me, she had a heart attack. She was gone within a minute.

"I had no one, I was alone. Well, I thought. Turned out I had a dad here in Miami. So, I hitched a ride here and asked around for him. Hugo Rogers, was his name. Turned out he sold drugs. But, here's the funny part," he dryly chuckled. "Turns out he was dead, too.  Found his body lying on the ground once I found out where he lived. Had a hole right in the center of his forehead.

"That's when I saw a little blonde boy pointing a gun in the direction of my dad's body. He was breathing heavily. I hid behind a bush when I saw he was turning around. He cursed and ran out of the house, leaving the door open. I didn't know at the time he was my half brother. Ben Rogers."

My eyes widen at the mention of Ben's  name. What the fuck is going on?

"I learned more about him--even joined his gang, The Reapers. He just didn't know that I was his half brother. I kept quiet. I didn't want him to not want me as part of his gang if he knew. Now, he's where your little boyfriend comes in." Josh looked angry.

"Since we kidnapped one of The Crew's member, they raided our house. Heck, they even shot at me and thought they had killed me. So, I left before Ben can come home to find half his men dead. Then, I found about you and his plan."

I gulped and began to breath faster. Plan?

"Yes, his plan." Josh spoke, reading my thoughts. "He wanted to hurt Carter badly for killing his men and wanted to take something he valued and destroy it. He wanted to kill you. Now, I don't know what happened, but here you are. So I thought, 'why don't I finish his job? Kill this girl and make him proud of me.'"

My heart stopped. Ben wanted to kill me?!


Did he just say he was going to kill me?


Hello! Hehe, left it on a cliffhanger. So, this whole chapter was basically Josh telling his story. He's older than Ben, in case you forgot how old Ben was when he killed his father. 

Double update!

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