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Took me a while, but finally updated! This is final chapter and last Austin Mahone fan fiction I'll be writing. Next story I'll be working on will have him in it, but he won't be a main character.

Not edited!

3 years later...

Sophie's POV:

I lift the dress from my bed and hold it up in front of me. It was creamy light brown color that had no sleeves and reached just above the knees. My hair and makeup had already been done, all that was left was to put the dress on.

I lowered it down to my legs and slowly stuck both feet inside. The dress slid up my semi damp skin until it finally reached an inch or two below my collar bone. I stood in front of the full body mirror to judge. Of course, it looked amazing. All that was left was some heels to complete the look.

I put on a smile before heading out of my room and trip my way towards the front door.


"Okay, Sophie. You got this. You can do this. It's just his wedding, right? Just, hold back the tears and you can get through this." I pepped talked myself as I got out the car, a shaking mess.

My heels clicked against the cement stairs as I climbed towards the entrance of the church. I pushed open it's large wooden doors, causing a few heads to turn my way. It seems that may have a been a little late to the ceremony.

I searched for a few familiar faces, my eyes landing on Ben. He smiled brightly at me, waving me over. With him were the guys; Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Harry, but of course with Ann.

Ann notice me scooting through the enclosed space the chairs left and squealed. "Sophie!" She got out from under Harry's hold on her and tackled me. "You made it!"

I smiled sadly at her, scanning around for his familiar face. Ann must've notice my change in mood, so she held onto my wrist and dragged me with her to where she was previously seated. "Aye!" My attention was brought on the six men who were greeting me and asking how I was.

"Wow. Look at you, all grown up." Ben said in shock.

I embrace him in a gentle hug before turning in my seat towards the front of the room.

My eyes landed on the people on the first row. It was Dan, Mark, and Jeremy. I smiled to myself as I watch them nudging each other.

And there he stood; next to the priest who would marry him off to his bride.

Tears began to dwell in my eyes and the others took notice. Niall laughed and extended his arm over my shoulder, bringing me closer to him.

That's when we were all told to be quiet as the the bride's maids and grooms men came walking down. Zach wore a serious look while the girl he had his arm linked with wore a wide grin. He didn't look too happy to be walking with her.

I remember that girl from when I used to go to Miami Beach High School. Her name was Tiffany, and she was the most annoying girl I've ever met. She whispered something in Zach's ear, making his eyes to go wide.

Next came Robert and Jill, someone else who I recognize from school. Robert wore a wide smile that matched Jill's, his eyes shining.

Finally, the best man and maid of honor appeared, walking together down the isle, wide smiles on their faces. I wipe away the tears and continued to watch as they separated at the end, going towards their corresponding side.

Then, came the bride. By her side was her father, walking her down the isle. She smiled brightly at the groom, the love in her eyes shining bright.

Her father lead her up the small set of steps and planted a kiss to her cheek. He went back to his seat up front and the whole room grew silent.

"We are all gathered here today to celebrate the engagement of the two lovely young couple. Let us begin,"

The priest began to read from his book, every once and a while, glancing at the two who just stood there, staring at each other with wide smiles.

I felt my heart breaking. I was loosing him to another woman.

"I take it you both have your vows?" The priest said after his reading.

He looked over to his soon to be wife and took hold of her hand. He chuckled, saying, "you know I've never been good with words." He blew out air before continuing. "Okay, here it goes. Jennifer," he referred to the woman standing before him.

"You've always been there for me. Even before we started dating. I remember when I first laid eyes on you, I thought; 'hey, she's cute.' I didn't even know you and yet when I got into a fight with a drunken shit head and got a busted eye, you actually dragged me to the bathroom to get it cleaned. Call it cliche but once I stared into your eyes; those deep blue eyes, I knew. I knew, you were the person I wanted to spend the rest of life with."

Tears brimmed in Jennifer's eyes from his touching words; mines did too. I looked around for his familiar face again, finally seeing him all the way at the back. He must've just arrived. And he wasn't alone.

Jennifer sniffled, bringing my attention back to them. "Wow. I don't think I'll be able to top what you said off," she joked, him chuckling. I cringe from all the cheesy lines and gestures they do.

It's like we're in a movie or fictional story.

"What else can I say, but that I'm glad that you got into that fight. Because if it weren't for that, I wouldn't be here today, standing in front of the love of my life."

"Guess it was destiny."

Internally, I gag.

"Do you have the rings?" The priest asked. The best man pulled the ring from his vest pocket and handed it towards the groom, patting him on the shoulder and whispering something to him. "Do you, Jennifer, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do." He slid the ring onto her fourth finger.

The maid of honor has already given the ring to Jennifer, ready to put it on him.

"Do you, Henry, take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?"

Henry smiled widely and said, loud and proud, "I do."

"I now announce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Cheers and camera flashes went off as soon as their lips locked. Everyone stood up, including myself to clap. I smiled brightly and wiped away the remaining tears from under my eyes. It's like seeing your brother growing up before your eyes.

Henry turned to the crowd and parted his lips. "Let's go to the lunch room! I'm starving."

I felt arms wrapping around my waist, stopping me from walking off with the others. I turned around and grinned up at Austin. "Wow, Mahone. Always late to the party."

"I like to make an entrance." He grinned down at me. His hair was sleeked back, a few small strands falling onto his forehead. I got on my tippy toes and pushed them back into place, letting my hand to then fall to his chest.

"So when are we going to be best man and maid of honor?" Sarah appeared, along with Alex.

"Wasn't this wedding enough for you two?" Austin said, pulling me close.

"Nope." Sarah said, popping the 'p'.

"Well, good. Because I plan on asking very soon." I look up to find him staring down at me. I blushed and felt those familiar butterflies swerming in my stomach.

"Come on, you four!" Henry called from the church doors.

I looked over at the three. Austin smiled at me.

"Let's go."

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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