Chapter Thirteen

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Austin's POV:

Water pattered on the bottom of the tub as I rinsed out the shampoo from my hair. Some got in my eye—and it burnt like hell. I had nothing better to do than shower, since everyone was out busy tonight. Robert, Zach, and Jeremy went out to party and AC, Sarah, Dan, and Mark are spending quality time at the mall.

They asked me to join them, but I was too much in a bad mood to want to walk out my house.

I rub my body wash all over my body before rinsing it off right after. The water switched from warm to cold, sending me jumping back. I must've turned the knob while cleaning my back. I didn't switch it back, but stood under the icy cold water. Eventually, my body got used to it.

I was deep in thought, thinking about Sophie once again. I still have that ounce of hope that 'Penelope' is actually her. Maybe she got amnesia and forgot who she was? Maybe one of her friends told her her name was Penelope? Maybe Henry is the one who told her her name was Penelope? Maybe

Maybe I should shut up and stop overthinking this.

I heard a noise coming from downstairs that even in the shower I was able to here it. I turned the running water off and grabbed the neatly folded towel from the edge of the tub.

Dan and AC were just coming up the stairs when I stepped through the bathroom door. "Hey." I greeted them while using another towel to dry my hair.

"Uh, hey." Dan awkwardly greeted back.

I furrow my brows as I watched them give each other unsure glances. "Alright, spill. What happened?"


"Alex." I said sternly.

He knows since I called him by his name and not his nickname, that I'm being serious. AC sighs and looks at Dan for, reassurance? Dan nodded his head for him to tell me. Without even looking me, AC said, "I think we may have saw Henry today. . .with that girl you claimed to be Sophie. . ."

I felt my heart racing. I glide my tongue over my lips and nod my head for him to continue.

"I think it's just a look alike who has you confused."

"'A look alike'? Seriously!"

"Austin, this girl has green eyes and red–"

"So! She could've died her hair and wear green contacts!"


"No! That has to be Sophie. No one can look exactly like another person—only twins can!"

"The both of you calm down!"

"What's going on up there?!"

The three of us looked down to see my mom standing in front of the open front door. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her face didn't look to happy.

"M-Mom! When did you get here?" I glance at the other too, who looked back at me.

"Just now. What was with all the yelling? I heard it from my car parked in the driveway!" She gave me a disapproving look.

"The yelling?"

"Yes, the yelling."

"Oh, it was nothing. Just—a disagreement."

"A disagreement?" I nod my head. "About what?"

"Um," I looked at them for help, but they only shrugged their shoulders. "Basketball?" I said, more like questioned.

"Oh. . ." She trailed off. "Sounded pretty intense."

"Yeah, but we're done now."

"I would hope so, or I would have to end your little hangout before somebody got hurt."

We bid her goodnight once she came up to give me a good night kiss on the cheek—doing the same to Dan and AC. Once she was in her room, I step closer to them. "In order to settle this once and for all. We're all going to hang out here, and I'll invite her. So you can get a better look at her and decide whether or not it's her. I won't tell her you guys are going to be there, to maybe lessen her nerves of reuniting with us–"

"Though I'm pretty sure she won't react to us at all–"

"Shut up." I glared at AC before starting off again. "If nothing happens—which I doubt—then you were right. It's just a look alike. If it's her, then I'm right—which I am."

"Fine, but don't come crying to me when you realize she's not Sophie." AC commented after explaining my plan.

"Oh trust me, I won't."


Hiii! Okay, maybe I might not finish this before school starts, but I'll try.

So, this is when shit goes down.

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